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There Are No Place-Backs At The Gym

There Are No Place-Backs At The Gym

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Amber from Girl with the Red Hair

    That is super annoying. When I had to do my 10-miler on the treadmill during marathon training I did leave once to go to the bathroom and left all my stuff on it, but I was gone maybe 2 minutes tops. Leaving for 5 minutes or more, ESPECIALLY more than once, is just obnoxious!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I totally understand if you have a sudden emergency during a long training session but….this chick was walking (strolling) on the treadmill. Pretty sure she wasn’t training for a half marathon. LOL

  2. Beth @ Beth's Journey

    That is so annoying!! I hate farters on the treadmill. Its so gag-worthy! Just take your stuff off the treadmill and go to the bathroom until it passes! =)

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Haha I forgot about the farters.

  3. Amy Ramos

    I have plenty:
    -annoying dude who jump from one weight machine to another doing only one set and sweating profusely and not wiping it down.
    -high maintenance chick who is listening to her ipod and texting while using the elliptical
    -people who read while on the treadmill. I don’t get it. Do one or the other-not both.

    I am still intimidated but the weight room since I will be starting NROLFW (new rules of lifting for women) in a few weeks and it is all meatheads. I might ask a trainer for some help in this area.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s annoying too! I know those guys. I always wipe machines before AND after I use them. Ick!

      I hate the cellphone talkers too. They make me mental.

  4. jane Cartelli

    First, I checked Hallmark and they do NOT have a condolence card for dropping half a bagel on the floor. So I made you a card:

    Bummed about your bouncing bagel . . .
    But glad you got in the swing
    and worked your body into a sweat
    even though you could not eat the “HOLE” thing!

    Love, Jane

    Now on to Gym PP:

    Guys who grunt and groan thru their weight lifting so audibly you KNOW it is for attention.

    Men who shake the sweat off their faces while running on the treadmill. Excuse me, you need to provide me with a bio hazard suit before you can work out next to me, dude. My dog shakes out less after a bath!


    1. Lisa Eirene

      I just snorted my coffee out of my nose!!!! LOL I love the poem. Thank you! And looking at the bright side, I discovered that eating half the bagel was sufficient for last night’s workout. πŸ˜‰

      Oh my god, thankfully I haven’t had the horror of seeing a guy shake his sweat like he’s a dog but I think if I did, I’d lose it in the gym and shame him at the top of my lungs!

  5. Kristin

    I admit I am a little bad…I regularly exceed the 30 minute limit on the machines (but not if there are people waiting!). I will leave my stuff on the elliptical to run to the bathroom if it is not crowded and there are other machines open. I do, however, have a pet peeve about people who do not sign up for their machines…if I am the one who is waiting, I would like to know when they are going to be done. Back when I used to lift weights, my biggest pet peeve EVER was people who did not re-rack their weights. There would be these HUGE plates and dumbbells and barbells just abandoned by big guys, and I would struggle to get them off so that I could use my wimpy weight levels (which I always put back when done). Also, what’s wrong with listening to music and reading on the elliptical? I listen/watch the TVS and read blogs on my phone, as it is the only way to get through mind numbing hours on the elliptical! I still get a good workout.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      There’s no time limited posted at my gym but I try not to spend an hour on a machine if there are people waiting (others don’t have that respect at my gym). If it’s really crowded I get in, work out, and get out!

      I’m with you on the re-wracking. When I try to use those machines with huge plates on them it makes me crazy because I don’t want to hurt myself trying to remove the muscle guy’s weights!

  6. Katie @ Up Fit Creek

    I’m very conscious of gym etiquette. Unfortunately, not everyone at our gym is. My pet peeve is people just sitting or standing on a piece of equipment while they chit chat. I don’t mind at all if people talk, but someone else could be using that treadmill/weight bench/etc.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s a big one at my gym. People sit with their friends on machines and gab but not use it….I have no problem asking if they are using it! Most of the time they realize they are being rude and move. It’s different if they are resting in between each set, or just sitting there gabbing…

  7. Hanna Harrison

    I came here through kaite(keeping up with katie).
    it is very informative and fun to see these blog! thanks alot(lots of precious information that you share with blogger).
    I have a question about your watch(Polar).
    I wanted to buy biggest loser body bug however it was like above $200.
    Now I saw this watch that alot cheaper than body bug.
    are these accurate to burn your calorie?

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I think my Polar HRM is a great tool for keeping fit. It’s changed my workouts a lot in positive ways. As for being accurate–I can’t guarantee that’s it’s more or less accurate than a Body Bugg or something else. But the plus is that Polar is inexpensive. Mine is $99 and I love it! It analyzes how many calories I burn based on sex, age and my heart rate.

  8. Phillis

    People carrying on extending conversations immediately next to me while I am trying to work out. Go somewhere else to socialize for an extended period of time. Same applies if you need to talk on your cell phone for a long time. Too bad they did away with phone booths when they did away with pay phones.

    Also, this morning, the gym music was so loud it blasted over my headphones. Are you kidding me? The gym has so thoughtully furnished an individual television on each machine…so please let the background music be just that – background music. If I wanted a rock concert, I would have gone to one.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      The cell phone talkers are the worst. I hate that.

  9. Jess

    I HATE it when people don’t wipe down their machines. How discusting! At the last gym I was a member of I brought it to the attention of the receptionist (and the only staff member in sight) and she just shrugged. Grrrrr. I always wiped my machine down before and after!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Sounds about right…I don’t think the employees at my gym give a rip either!

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