
Weight Loss Log

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.


  1. nomorebigfella

    Your weight loss consistency over an extended period of time is incredible with only a very few occassions where your weight has stayed the same or increased slightly. As someone who is desperately trying to break my poor record over extended periods (ie. trying not to yo-yo) I find you inspiring. Keep up the good work!!


    1. hundredtenpounds

      I was lucky that I didn’t yo-yo. I plateaued a lot towards the end though.

  2. peanutbutterfingers

    your progress is amazing! you look phenomenal and seem to be doing it in such a healthy, balanced way. congrats!

  3. Christine @ Grub, Sweat and Cheers

    What an accomplishment – that is such a steady, healthy way to do it. You have a lot to be proud of!

  4. fitandfortysomething

    i love this! how great to see what you have acheived 🙂

  5. Kelly

    That is amaxing dedication and such a testament to what people can do when they really decide they CAN! I really admire you…I hope you know that! I just think you are a strong person!! 🙂

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Thanks! I hope I can inspire people to make a change. I have so much fun now–hiking, biking, things I never did when I was fat.

  6. Jes

    Wow! You are a very inspirational person! Congratulations on your weight loss! I also want to thank you for commenting on my blog, because it really made my day! Thank you!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Thank you! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog too. 🙂 -Lisa

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