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What Kind of Blog is This?

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Kellie

    I’m in the same boat as you. I am not one to cook, so there is never interesting recipes. I also like to eat the same thing everyday. I enjoy seeing the different ways you excercise and stay active. Even though it might be the same thing, I still like seeing what people eat everyday. I like reading your blog no matter what you do.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Thanks Kellie! I love your blog because I can really relate to your story in many ways. 😉 Glad I’m not the only one that doesn’t like cooking, too!!

  2. Julie @ Pickley Pear

    Just this week, I had this conversation with myself. What makes my blog so special? What is the mission/goal? I started it for my own motivation to eat healthy, cook more often and share my workouts/races, etc. It’s getting to the point where I don’t have a focus for my readers. I totally know what you mean. On a positive note, I love reading your blog, your stories. Maygbe I’m too interested in other people’s lives 🙂 I find your story very motivating!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Julie, I like your blog because you’re honest about your WW experience. I don’t do WW but I count calories and that’s essentially the same. So I can relate. 🙂

  3. Beth

    I do think about this often because there really are SO many blogs out there. I do really try to vary my eats a lot and feel that i’m pretty creative with foods. I’m a good cook, and luckily have a chef for a boyfriend who gives me a lot of tips. I like documetning all my meals/snacks to show that people can really maintain a substantial weight loss (80 pounds) while eating delicious and nutritious food. A lot of the other health bloggers have lost 10-20 pounds, which is still a LOT, but not something people who have 50+ pounds to lose can relate to as much.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I agree with you, Beth. I did a “spring cleaning” with the blogs I was following and decided not to continue reading the ones I couldn’t relate to.

      And even though I don’t cook, I love seeing your recipes! The Eggplant Parm looks amazing. 😉

  4. Susan

    I like to think my blog is always evolving. It’s very much a “lifestyle” blog, mainly about my own life. Since my life always seems to be in a state of flux these days, my blog follows. But it’s always primarily been about food and fitness. When I sit down to write at the end of the day, it’s what I focus on. Hopefully it’s stuff people can relate to. Especially the food – I eat pretty damn simply! 😛

  5. Ivie

    I started my blog when I started my weight-loss, and still have a long ways to go. So by posting my food, it keeps me accountable. I probably won’t take pictures all the time when I am in Maintenance mode. I’ll probably switch over to Featured Recipes and my posts may become less frequent. I only post once a day, so I add food, thoughts, and workouts into one post. I use my blog more, for easy directions to the ones I read for encouragement (in my blog roll)……I love reading yours, so whether it is defined or not, you keep it interesting.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Thanks. 🙂 I like reading your blog because I can relate to your journey. I remember being where you are AND you live in Seattle which is awesome!

  6. Lori (Finding Radiance)

    My blog has evolved over time a lot. I don’t necessarily want to pigeon hole it because it can change. It started as just a weight loss blog. Then it became more geared towards maintenance. Then last year it was very fitness oriented with all my training. Now it is pretty much healthy living.
    I feel like my blog is different in a lot of ways *because* of where it is now. I don’t quite fit any category as I am older than most healthy living bloggers, I am mostly a maintainer instead of a loser (although I would like to lose 10 more).

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I think it’s normal for the blog to change because we change as people. The trick is keeping it interesting!

  7. Toni McAlister

    I typically write what I think about when I’m running. I like your blog, its encouraging cuz I just started too 🙂

  8. Alan

    I can relate to this! I am experiencing an evolution with my blog, too, trying things on and so forth. I’m also finding the whole experience eerily reminiscent of my dissertation, which I had to decide if it was for others or for me, how narrow or broad the focus should be, etc. My only clarity so far is that great blogs tell a great story and have a great story to tell. The latter is so important. Reach the Beach gave you that great story. For me, I’m at 22 pounds down, but if I don’t really get in shape, there aren’t enough blogging gimmicks for anyone to care. So I’m working on building a great story for now…and we’ll see where the blog goes.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I think your blog can appeal to more people because you’re currently in the journey to lose weight. I think everyone can relate to that struggle!

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