Polar heart rate monitor running

Training Plans

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. Angela

    I’m not a runner… yet. I’m coming so close though, sometimes I just feel like I’m about to start running only I don’t. I’m under medical advisement to not start running right now.. it’s frustrating but hopefully that’ll all be fixed by the end of the summer.

    I’m considering doing a couch to 5k program once I’m healed up and cleared to start running. I would love to run a 5k yet this year, if I can. Thanks for this post, the information is great!

    I’m also considering getting a heart rate monitor but just now started looking at all the models/options, etc. Overwhelming at first!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      It can be very overwhelming. I highly suggest Newbies get the Polar. It’s less “stuff” and less “techie” and it’s more affordable. Perfect for beginners!

      1. Angela

        Yea, I’ve been trying to make a list of what I expect from/want in a heart rate monitor. Right now my basic want is to just track calories burned and sometimes check my heart rate. My phone and bike computer handle most everything else I’m looking for at the moment. My master plan is to wait until my birthday and drop a lot of not subtle hints.. 🙂

  2. Kelly

    YES. I am a runner (even though I have a hard time calling myself a runner) and I am running the NYC Marathon in November that I qualified for back in January. I am hoping to BQ (Boston Qualify) at that race and the run Boston in April. If I can do those 2 iconic races (via qualification) I honestly think I would hang up my marathon shoes and focus more on half marathons and 10K’s. Here’s hoping…

  3. Candice

    This is great, and it motivated me to break out my heartrate monitor and figure out how to use it. I can’t think of a better time to run the right way than while marathon training!

  4. lisasfoods

    I feel proud to say that I am a runner. I always wanted to be one in high school, but could barely run a mile. Now I’m readying for my first 5k tomorrow, and feel pretty excited (and nervous, of course).

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Good luck tomorrow! You’ll do great! 🙂

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