Week 28
Had to take the Gestational Diabetes test. Got my covid booster. I was a little worried because the second Pfizer shot gave me a horrific migraine. But this time it wasn’t as bad. Mild flu-like symptoms. But very glad baby is getting some of the protection!
Spent a few hours at Labor & Delivery with another “irritable uterus”! I had the same thing with Logan–around 32 weeks. Had been having some mild cramping and back pain and when I called the nurse she suggested I go in. It was the same as last time–everything is fine, baby is good. I need to be better about resting, drinking a LOT of water, not lifting heavy things. They tested for a UTI again and it looked a little off so they gave me some antibiotics. It’s very weird to have a UTI with no traditional symptoms–just cramping. No restrictions going forward. It was deja vu though!
Week 29
Test results revealed I’m anemic–no surprise there. I’ve had that issue most of my life and it gets worse when I am pregnant. So back to taking iron. Doc said if my iron levels are not great towards the end of pregnancy I can have an infusion that should help with labor (since you lose a lot of blood).
I’ve been going back to the gym once a week to do weight lifting because it feels “safer” to lift weights on the machines. Doing free weights at home makes me a little nervous since my ligaments are looser. The last thing I want is an injury! Still working out 5 days a week. Gym once a week, swim once a week, At home I do PT exercises, walk Bella, walk on the treadmill, use the elliptical and sometimes indoor bike. The bike is getting much more uncomfortable lately.
Week 30
Unfortunately I was sick. 🙁 Negative home covid test, then I got a covid test at the doctor to make sure. I had a mild fever for a few days (reduced to normal with Tylenol), bad cold symptoms, exhaustion, napping a LOT. Super grateful I was able to get my booster shot at the beginning of December.

Week 31
This week baby is the size of a pineapple or a coconut. Basically, I am craving a pina colada now. And a Hawaiian beach. And no responsibilities. Working out is getting harder. I don’t have the stamina I had before. I do mostly cardio these days and it’s a struggle! But I am doing it.
Week 32
Sore, tired, getting ready to be done. LOL
Week 33
Starting to go to the doctor twice a week for Non-Stress tests. Basically just get hooked up to a monitor to check baby and the heartbeat, etc. Sometimes an ultrasound to check amniotic fluid. Got a head cold and sinus infection this week–which SUCKS when pregnant AND during a pandemic. Three negative covid tests though, so that’s good.
You’ve got this! It’s the home stretch for sure (and then the marathon starts, right??).
My sister had that terrible cold that’s going around – she was certain it was covid, even lost her sense of smell, but nope, both an at-home and a PCR test came back negative.
Lisa Eirene
It’s crazy that there are still OTHER illnesses going around besides covid. LOL. I’ve definitely caught a few things in the past 2 years and always worried it was covid. Ugh!
Glad to hear Beth mention PCR test results, because that is the one that counts/reliable with the variants. My 27 year old daughter tested positive in December and had symptoms, definitely was sick, but not terrible. Our youngest daughter (23) was already home for Xmas break. Hard to believe but none of (3) us caught it.
Glad things are going well!
Lisa Eirene
It’s definitely getting harder to get PCR tests here! 🙁
Glad you guys are doing ok