gardening harvesting veggies Manual Labor Summer Urban Farmer Vegetable Garden veggies Weekend Update

Garden 2.0

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Candace

    Nice job on the yard! It looks great. Can’t wait until everything comes in, it’s awesome to go into your own backyard and pick stuff for dinner isn’t it?

    Kale is one of the best crops – I plant it every year and it produces for months and months. I got a variety last year called Lacinato, and Italian type. It was very good, I couldn’t find it this year so we just went with the regular. If you ever see it though, definitely try it. Beets are also so much better home grown but we didn’t do those this year.

    We’ve scaled back this time, just zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, basil – I think that’s it. In the past we’ve done lots more but it gets to be too much work – by end of summer we stop going out every night to see what needs to be picked. It’s like wasting food. Our chickens appreciate it though.

    We did peas a couple of years ago – so good fresh, but it was hard to get a significant amount, you shell forever and get a few cups. But then we ate a lot of them as we were shelling too. We did the same with our green beans, go out to pick some and end up eating them right away.

    I love growing food though, I just wish the weather here was more conducive to it. We had a tiny little yard in Southern California but managed to grow tons of zucchini, tomatoes, herbs, peppers. I miss the sun.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I am not sure what kind of kale we got. It’s clearly a mix. I see like 3 different varieties in our beds. I will try to take some photos of each kind and post them. I love how hearty the kale has been. AND the slugs don’t seem to like it!

      It sounds like you’ve had some fantastic gardens. I love having one. Last year I felt so ACCOMPLISHED and healthy. It was an awesome feeling growing my OWN food and eating it. I felt close to the earth and healthy. Like you, I also got a bit overwhelmed. Everything seemed to ripen at the same time and it was SO MUCH WORK. I am glad we scaled back this summer. I don’t want to give away all my crops because we have too much.

  2. Roz@weightingfor50

    Hi Lisa. Your garden looks FANTASTIC. I planted kale from seed this year in containers, it’s growing well, but I’m going to have to thin it a bit. I have already managed to kill the basil…so maybe I’ll use that pot to transplant some of the kale into. Have a great Wednesday.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’ve never been successful with seeds. I’ve never had anything grow from them, unfortunately. That’s great that your kale is doing so well!

      Basil is finicky. I had a great one last year and then it bolted. Dang it. This year I forgot to transplant my two basil plants right away and they kind of wilted. I’m hoping they will come back…

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