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Cure My Insomnia

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Jae

    I had to completely stop all caffiene. I drank coffee but never after 10 am until it dawned on me that I might be so sensitive to it that I couldn’t drink it at all. Argh. I loved my coffee.

    I still have bouts of sleep problems but no where near what I did when I had caffiene.

    Good luck on the rest. No sleeping drove me CRAZY!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I thought caffeine was the culprit too. I stopped drinking coffee for almost two years but I am back to drinking 1 in the morning only. I didn’t see a change in my insomnia when I went coffee-free, so why not enjoy it?

  2. Gorakh Nath

    Lately I’ve been experiencing some problem sleeping. I recommend drinking a glass of warm milk…it helps.

    If it doesn’t, visit my blog – my posts could put you to sleep:)

    Sleep well tonight.
    Gorakh Nath.

  3. Esther Fox

    To cure my insomnia, I took Ambien for a while, but it made me sleep TOO much, that I would often be late for work and such. So I cut out my soda for a while, and I started drinking a tea called Sleepytime Extra by Celestial Seasonings. It has something in it called valerian, and it really helped. It didn’t taste all that special, but man, I was sleeping soundly so I didn’t complain. I eventually weaned myself off of it and have been sleeping soundly for 4 years now. So you might give that a try 🙂

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I’ll pick up some of that tea! Thanks!

  4. Beth

    I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night. i get really anxious and my mind races. A few things i’ve done that have helped are changing from watching TV to reading before bed which was pretty major because TV gets me riled up, but reading relaxes me. Another thing is to look into relaxation exercises. If you do really deep breathing and just focus on the air coming in and out, it can help you tremendously to relax. I do have Ambien and take it from time to time but usually try to do other relaxation things before taking a pill.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      That can work…although if it’s a good book I tend to stay up way passed my bedtime!

  5. Robyn

    Ooh Chobani is my fave. I’ll have to try TJ’s version.

  6. tanyasdaily

    sometimes all I have to do is write down what is on my mind(things to do etc) and then my mind isn’t racing.

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