Recently, I returned to the gym!!!!
March 11, 2020 was the last day I went to the gym. Two days later, the world shut down. While my gym opened up in limited capacity last summer, I did not return. I didn’t feel comfortable or safe doing so. When they opened the pool back up in October, I started swimming again. That didn’t feel unsafe to me. I wore my mask, you had to make reservations, they only allowed one person in a lane at the time.
Then when the winter spike happened and stuff closed down again, I didn’t go back to the pool again until recently.
Plus, I have a home gym that is pretty decent! We have a treadmill, elliptical, bike, free weights, I have a favorite yoga app I use and I recently started doing barre and pilates. I honestly never missed the gym. (I missed the pool like crazy, though!).
So when I got my vaccine , I got a little tickle in my brain. Like….maybe after I am fully vaccinated I can go to the gym again….

Well I decided to go! It was a few days after I was considered fully vaccinated. I decided to go and do the weight machines (I did kind of miss those). I wore my mask, even though I didn’t need to. There were other people wearing masks, too. Some weren’t.

I took it easy and tried not to overdo anything since it’s been so long. I did the weight machines for almost 30 minutes. Then 10 minutes on the stairmaster. Then went home!

A lot of people said they got emotional when they got the vaccine. I didn’t really have that experience. I was excited, yes, but not emotional. Well, I was kind of emotional going back to the gym. It finally felt like *maybe* there could be some normal in our future.
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