My favorite thing about pregnancy is feeling the baby move and kick. That’s really the best part. But honestly, I am not a fan of being pregnant in general. I wasn’t with Logan but this time it’s even harder. So many different aches and pains, so many different issues. Being “high risk” is stressful. Being pregnant during a pandemic is stressful. Being close to the end of the pregnancy right when covid decided to unleash a new variant that bypasses vaccines and is filling hospitals is stressful. As for my body? I am tired and hurt all the time. When I walk it feels like my pelvis is splitting into two pieces. It’s near impossible to roll over in bed without it being an ordeal. I don’t sleep well at night. I wish I was as fit as I was with Logan this time around. I just feel slow and lethargic and like I have no stamina.
When we got pregnant this time–the last time–I was kind of excited for it to be the last time and a chance to kind of enjoy and savor it. But overall, there hasn’t been a lot of joy. There were so many complications that just created fear and anxiety instead of excitement. I almost didn’t want to get too excited because of all the issues I was having. That makes me sad. But now my mindset has shifted to: it’s almost over, she’s almost here, I can heal and move on from this complicated pregnancy.
34 Weeks
Blood sugar numbers have been really good. My breakfast numbers are always perfect, so I was given the a-ok to stop testing after breakfast. I just test once or twice a week after breakfast.
I stopped going a lot of places because of Omicron. Cancelled the baby shower my mom was throwing. Cancelled my massage, a dentist appointment, plans with friends. Stopped going into the office once a week and now fully remote. I am nervous about getting covid this close to the end. I stopped swimming a few weeks ago (bummer) and basically just go to the doctor appointments and the grocery store only. At least for now.

The first picture is Logan at 33 weeks, the second is baby girl at 34 weeks! This is the first week where the bumps did not look the same. She looks a little bigger than Logan did. Yikes!
We did a little maternity photo shoot!
35 Weeks
Sleep is terrible. I toss and turn from 10pm-2am, pee hourly, and then finally fall asleep around 2 and wake up unwillingly (lol) around 6:30. It’s brutal.
Pretty anemic. Had my bloodwork done, the “normal” range is 30-420 or something like that (which is a very weird range to me) and my number was 17. Not good. I looked at past tests and it seemed my average was somewhere around 85.
My fingers are starting to swell. I never have that issue unless it’s really hot weather.
I go to the OB nurse 2x a week for non-stress tests. I had my TDap vaccination and Group B-Strep test. My blood pressure is consistently great–112/67. Scheduled the induction!
36 Weeks
I have a doctor appointment LITERALLY EVERY DAY this week. The first was an iron infusion:
Tuesday and Friday were my regular Non-Stress Tests. Wednesday was the ultrasound to try and check baby’s size–which I did because I guess it’s necessary?? But everything I’ve read it’s incredibly unreliable at guessing baby’s actually weight. But if by some chance this baby is ginormous, they might want me to do a c-section…Ultrasound claimed baby is around 6 pounds 10 ounces this week. Wondering how accurate it is!

Logan and current, 36 weeks! With Logan at this time, he was head down, 50% effaced and not dilated. This time, she is head down, 30% effaced and 1cm dilated!
37 Weeks
Who needs sleep?
Lots of contractions, very uncomfortable, hard to find comfortable positions when they are bothering me. But so far…no news.
This will be my last post. π Hopefully will have news soon!
I want to end with some recommendations if you are pregnant: some of the podcasts I enjoyed a lot are Mommy Labor Nurse, PedsDocTalk, Happy As a Mother, and UnRuffled.
Very glad to hear from you. I can well imagine.
My backdoor neighbor had a baby fall of 2020 and found it very stressful too. At that time if the dad left the hospital, he could not return. They have (6) older kids. She understood, but it made things complicated. She had lots of doctors appointments too, major swelling, and the whole thing was not much fun.
Here, anything I need is available curbside and of course that is very different from when I had babies long ago. I did not even have the option of a drive up pharmacy, then. More than once I drove around and pounded on the backdoor of the drug store do I did not have to go in.
We have two 9mos puppies (sisters) and it has been fabulous to be able to run errands with them and never get out of the car. So it has occurred to me many times how easy errands with a baby are now.
I have kept up with medical and dental, those are about my only trips βInβ. But I discovered last month that the genealogy section at the library is empty on Sunday afternoons. I have been going down to use their computer systems and that feels like a good/safe change of scenery.
Lisa Eirene
It is really stressful and not just the hypervigilance around covid. While I’m vaxxed and boosted, the new strain is scary. There is so much unknown still about long covid, and if babies can get it and how it works…I just want to avoid it the best I can. I am glad that Michael can go to the hospital with me. For awhile there at the beginning women had to give birth alone!!! How traumatic and awful. π
Congrats on the puppies! And it’s very cool that your library has a genealogy section. I didn’t know that was a thing.
Jo Donaghy
This is a really stressful time to be pregnant. I feel for you. I remember many years ago before ultra sounds the dr. told me I was having an enormous baby. I was so scared, but he weighed in at 5lbs 14ozs haha! I will keep you in my prayers for a safe delivery. I can’t wait to hear her name and see her photo. I hope Logan is looking forward to being a big brother.
Jo in Wisconsin.
Lisa Eirene
Yikes!! Good to know baby was huge lol. I know that the late ultrasound isn’t that accurate so I didn’t panic!!
Logan is VERY excited. π
Sending you good luck! I remember being miserable the last few weeks with my daughter. And now with COVID there just must be so much added stress. You look great and I hope you will have an easy delivery and an adorable girl soon!
Lisa Eirene
It’s funny, I don’t remember being super over it with the first and he was a week late. But this time I am just OVER it. lol
Wishing you a safe and (relatively) easy birthing and can’t wait to see the wee one when she makes her appearance!!
Lisa Eirene
Thank you!! π