Last year when the surgeons I talked to about the tear in my hip and the arthritis, I was pretty devastated when they told me I could never run again and not to bike using a road bike. There were other limitation but it was hard to be told I couldn’t do most of the activities I’d loved to do for so long.
I spent months healing, doing whatever I could (weights, swimming, walking) and then I started to try and use the exercise bike at the gym where you sit upright. I would do it in short intervals to just test things out. Sometimes it hurt immediately, so I stopped. Sometimes it was fine and then it hurt a little bit afterwards. Sometimes it didn’t cause any issues.

But I wasn’t willing to just give up. Someone in my Buy Nothing Group on Facebook posted some bikes and I got one! It’s an upright hybrid type of bike. I got it tuned up (highly recommend this mobile bike company!!) and cleaned and Michael set up the seat for me.
I took it out for a few short rides in the neighborhood to just test it out. I went out for a short ride with Logan once. What did I discover?
- It’s freakin’ hard.
- It weighs a lot more than my road bike.
- I am incredibly out of bike shape.
- I still fit in my bike shorts!
- It didn’t hurt my hip!
Most of all, it felt like I was learning how to ride a bike all over again. It was very weird. I am so used to my road bike. I am used to clipping in to the pedals. I am used to the narrowness and slimness of the road bike. I am not used to how big, bulky and heavy the new one is. Or how the shifters and brakes work.

But I am glad that I am to get outside in the sunshine and nice weather and ride a bike. And a free bike at that! Our neighbors gave us their old bike trailer, too, so I am hoping we can do a ton of family bike rides this summer with Zoey in the trailer.
This week we had a lovely spring day of sunshine and 60 degree weather so I went out for a short ride on my lunch break. I was so happy to be able to do it! I did about 5 miles. I am still working up to being able to do more. Right now that’s kind of my max. I don’t want to overdo it.

I’m also hoping the weather will improve enough soon so I can try out hiking and see if that’s something I can do with my hip injury. My parents got me hiking poles for Christmas so I am going to test those out too!
Happy Spring!
Yay for being able to get out and move around!! So glad you found something you can do that doesn’t hurt – just in time for summer weather, too.
Lisa Eirene
I am definitely looking forward to summer!