Injuries knee pain relationship with exercise rest days Runner's Knee Running injury sore muscles

Learning How to Rest

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Candace

    I can relate to this SO much. I have a really hard time “doing nothing” and I’m not really sure how to relax. Like you, if I have downtime I’m thinking about all the stuff I could be or should be doing. I can’t turn that off. Sick days are particularly hard for me, if I have to be home sick it drives me crazy that I don’t have the energy to clean, do laundry, etc. Feels like a waste of a day for me – I got nothing done! Even my husband says he is amazed at what I can get done in one day. I love that feeling! I can only truly relax if I know everything is checked off my to-do list.

    But I do take rest days from exercise after learning the hard way that overwork is the best way to get injured.

    I also feel like it’s synonymous with escape – I have to be away from home in order to get into a different mindset.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I am SO glad I’m not the only one like this!!!

      You are right, when I’m home sick I tend to want to clean. And organize. I simply cannot sit still anymore!

  2. Roz@weightingfor50

    Resting isn’t easy for me either. I’ve gone back to yoga recently and its helping “reset” me a little so I can take some time to breathe….and know its ok not to be “busy” all the time. Thanks for this post Lisa, its a great reminder. Have a good Thursday.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yes! It’s ok to not be busy all the time!

  3. Biz

    This post could have been written by me! I am constantly thinking of all the things I could be doing instead of resting. My husband has bad arthritis and its hard for him to walk some days. So at night I tell myself I have one hour to do all the “things” I need to do, and then when that hour is up, I hang out with him and watch t.v. and catch up with our days. I find that I am not as anxious having this down time.

    But last night? My husband had an overnight sleep study. He left at 8:00 p.m. I mopped the kitchen floor, emptied the dishwasher, did three loads of laundry, made a quiche for my breakfast for today and tomorrow, started packing for my vacation – I suddenly looked up and it was 10:30 already!

    I hope to “rest” on vacation! 😀

    1. Lisa Eirene

      HA! That sounds exactly like me! And once I start doing something I want to finish it. So I would have been working into the night. 🙂

      Have a great vacation! And REST!

  4. Amanda @runtothefinish

    your title caught my interest on another post because i am REALLY working on this right now. My dr has finally said listen you can get faster, stronger, etc but only if you finally figure out what rest means. It’s not going 100 MPH instead of 150 on your days off. I have started meditating and doing more restorative yoga and I think I’m getting it 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh I love your analogy! 100mph is NOT resting when you go 150mph! That is TOTALLY me!

      I have a friend telling me I need to try restorative yoga. I need to do that.

  5. Matt @ The Athlete's Plate

    I’m terrible at resting! I can’t remember my last day off from doing something active.

  6. Lori

    I do not rest very well. John is after me to relax a lot. A lot of it is work related, too. My best relaxing time is when I really get in my garden and just enjoy. I find weeding and plant inspecting to be immensely relaxing for me because my mind just wanders around calmly or is just enjoying the plants.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I think working in your garden is totally rest.

  7. Ron

    I find it difficult to rest or relax as there always seems to be something more I could finish on my to do list. But i have found when I have rested I get more done than before and enjoy it more. I liked the blogyou linked to, lots of good information there

    1. Lisa Eirene

      And if it’s not on my To Do List, I add it just so I can cross it off…. 😉

  8. Jennifer

    Man, this is so me! I injured my back recently & had the hardest time doing nothing. Even when I was doing “nothing,” I was still on email, on social media, etc. When my back felt better, I immediately started doing too much & picked up a box that was too heavy & spent another week forcing myself to do “nothing.” Such a terrible cycle! Occasionally I can avoid getting on my phone or computer for an evening, but resting for me is very difficult. I may take a day to lay low, chill with my fiance & watch movies, but I’m making lists of all the errands I need to do and housework that should be done. It’s terrible that I can’t tune out & really find that relaxation that we all need so much!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about your back. I am with you, feeling better and then doing too much and being back where you started. Hope you feel better soon!

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