On Sunday we took a day trip out to Hood River and went for a hike. We did the Hood River Mountain Loop (or part of it anyways).

Logan was super excited to go for a hike! And he did a great job. We haven’t been in awhile.
Not sure if we actually made it to the hike we planned on going to because there was no real trailhead marked but there were other cars parked there and other hikers, so…?

The hike was basically an old road that was pretty steep. We walked up it, out in the open with the hot sun beating down on us. Thankfully we brought hats and had sunscreen and lots of water!

We got to a little top part and there was a really nice view of the mountains, gorge and river.

There were lots of wildflowers blooming. Lots of rocks on the trail. But overall it was pretty easy going.
We did about a mile and then took a break in the shade for water.

Logan was ready to turn around so we headed back down the trail to the car.

It was a lot slower going down with the loose rock and dirt.

It’s not much of a “workout” with a toddler. But it’s really more about family time and getting outside and getting Logan used to hiking. We did about 2 miles.

We got back to the car and I changed and then we drove to Panorama Point Park for a picnic. Due to budget cuts the park is now closed! So disappointing! It’s a great little park with nice views. You can still walk into the park, but it’s not maintained and there’s no bathrooms. But we parked on the street and walked in and had a picnic lunch on a picnic table anyways and just packed our stuff out.

The above view was from our picnic bench. See? Great views! Bummer. Anyways. After lunch we drove to the Draper Girl’s Orchard and Logan got to pet some goats and we bought some fruit.

It was a lovely, warm day. It was nice to get out of town and do something fun after months of doing house stuff with prepping our house, moving, unpacking, etc. I hope we can go for another hike again soon!

We drove back to Portland and Logan and Bella took another little nap in the car. 🙂

Two miles with a young child is pretty amazing. Beautiful pictures.
Hard to believe we are already at the end of July. With your move, I bet it feels even faster to you.
Lisa Eirene
Yes he did a great job!
It feels like summer is almost over already!
Omg those Views!! Nothing like that in central Florida. It’s too hot and humid to be outside for us unless you are by the pool.
Lisa Eirene
LOL! The pool sounds nice…
Yeah the Gorge is beautiful. I love Hood River!
Jan Schifter
so cool that you guys take Logan on hikes! he looks so grown up!
Lisa Eirene
I know! He’s such a little boy now!