On Sunday, after about a week of needed rained, the sun was out. I decided to go for a bike ride since I feel like my time for biking is limited. Soon the weather will really turn and then I won’t be outside much at all.
I had some oatmeal for breakfast and then headed out. It was a little chilly out when I first started but I warmed up quickly.
I took the Trolley Trail. I figured it was the best bet since the leaves are falling all over the city now and it’s been rainy so I knew bike lanes would be covered in wet leaves (which would be kinda dangerous for biking). There were some leaves on the trail but not much.
The Trolley Trail goes from parts of Oregon City to the new-ish Max stop in Milwaukie, to Sellwood, then connects to the Springwater Trail into downtown Portland.

I’ve done the Trolley Trail a bunch of times before. It’s slightly uphill in one direction, so it’s a steady climb, which is not hard but it’s steady and doesn’t stop so you can’t just coast and take a breathe. The good part is on the way back is that you can basically coast most of it.
Anyways, I’ve never done the Trolley Trail into Sellwood, so I got to see the art around there this time.

The other downside of this trail is that there are a lot of stops for roads, so you can’t just go go go. It can also be pretty crowded. But other than that, it’s nice, new and doesn’t have the homeless camps like the East Springwater Trail does.

I turned around at Sellwood and then headed home. It was a nice bike ride. I was starving when I got home!!! I had a snack of BabyBel cheese, handful of cashews, 3 dried apricots and half of of one of Logan’s oatmeal fruit cookies. I was famished.

It was nice to be back on the bike after a long break. My hope is that I can still bike for another month or so since I am working from home and can now take bike rides during my lunch break–so I don’t have to worry about it being too dark in the morning or evenings. The only issue will be weather.
I kind of want to get an exercise bike for our gym and I’ve been casually looking at OfferUp and Craigslist for cheap ones but haven’t seen anything great yet. I think it’s a good option for the winter, especially since I’m not going into my gym during Covid-times.
So nice to get out on the bike again, with pretty weather and no smoke! I’ve got my bike on the rack today and will be stopping on the way home from work to put in a few miles. I am also feeling the changing weather shortening up my bike-riding window, and want to make the most of the warm, dry, light afternoons. Not sure what to do when biking ends, since I have no indoor bike and am VERY nervous about going back to the gym…
Lisa Eirene
We have a bike trainer. Michael uses it often. It basically turns your bike into an exercise bike. I’ve never been a fan–it works in a pinch but I find it more uncomfortable than it’s worth for me. When I would do the exercise bikes at the gym they had padded seats that were more comfortable for longer workout. But if you don’t want to go to the gym, you might look into it. I don’t think they are super expensive.