Saturday was GORGEOUS! 60+ degrees and sunny. It felt sooo nice to get outside. Saturday morning I met up with a friend for a walk. We met kind of half-way between our houses. (She rode her bike there!) We met at Sellwood Riverfront Park (Oaks Bottom Refuge). The place was absolutely packed. Tons of people on bikes, walking with their dogs, etc.
We didn’t have a set route we planned on taking. We wore our masks. Most people I saw walking had their masks on, the bikers didn’t.
We decided to walk towards Sellwood on the bike path because it was less crowded that way, instead of heading towards the Springwater/Downtown. It’s hard to imagine that it’s been like 2 years (or more??) since I biked to work on the Springwater.
It was such a gorgeous day and so nice to catch up with a friend. I’ve definitely missed these friend get togethers in the last year.
The cool thing about the direction we went, I discovered that they finally finished part of the trail! It hadn’t been finished for a really long time, but now it was fully pathed and connected to the roadside trail that heads into downtown Milwaukie. So cool!!!
It was a little chilly in the shade when I set out to meet her, but once we started walking in the sun it was warm and I wished I had a t-shirt on instead!

We got in a fantastic walk together!
After lunch and a short nap for Logan, we went out to Happy Valley Wetland Loop for a family walk.
The place was very popular!! Tons of people. The boardwalk trail went through the wetlands and then to a park that seemed to have about 100 people there!

Then you pick up the trail again and go back on the boardwalk. It’s just under a mile loop.

Logan saw a snake, too! It was a little garden snake. Very exciting. 🙂

It was such a nice day out and I’m really glad we got to get outside and enjoy it. I am SOOOO looking forward to summer!
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