100 pounds fitness gym RICE Running injury staying motivated

I’m Scared

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. RunToTheFinish

    it’s ok to be scared. I think especially as someone who lost weight working out, when I get injured it brings up a lot of emotions. Now the only thing you can do is step back and look at the heck of a workout you did any ways and start to evaluate the ways you can recover to keep working out!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks for understand. I think since Michael hasn’t lost a significant amount of weight, he can’t understand the emotional aspect behind this. I knew bloggy people would understand!

  2. Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin

    I totally understand feeling frustrated with an injury. After I was running for several months, I started training for a half marathon and ended up spraining my ankle realllly bad during my 7.5 mile run (my longest run ever at that point). Before the injury I was feeling invisible and loving running, but afterwards I had to stop for a long time while my ankle healed. It sucked, but it forced me to focus on other forms of exercise and it really ended up improving my fitness level because I became more balanced in my routine and started doing yoga, biking, walking, and swimming.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s good news…I KNOW in my brain it’s not the end of the world. But it feels like it right now. 🙁

  3. Kathy

    IT band is not a death sentence for your running; no worries there. However, it does take some time to heal and that is the hardest part. Did your doctor confirm it was your IT band that is bothering you? Does it hurt more when you are walking down hill or down stairs? That is a definitely indication of an IT band problem.
    Take care of yourself and relish & savor your accomplishments!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It hurts when running. I can do stairs okay I think.

  4. Morgan @ Healthy Happy Place

    have you seen a doctor yet? If not, I’d recommend going in right away. Self diagnosis of injuries isn’t always accurate…I thought I had pulled a muscle and it turns out I have a stress fracture.

    I recently had to stop running for at least 2 months due to my injury, and it’s forced me to explore other areas of exercise that I haven’t tried and/or thought I didn’t like. I’d rather take a 2 month break from running now, than push myself too far and never be able to run again.

  5. Sabrina

    I am always scared to fail. But I believe it is a natural human feeling, something that can push us harder to succeed. Your injuries will heal in time, maybe see a doctor. Keep doing what you are doing, hold your head high, and celebrate all your accomplishments!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you Sabrina! I’m trying!

  6. Diane

    Give your body a chance to rest and heal. On running? I had a bunch of injuries this summer than kept me from running and I even took a week or two off from everything. If we don’t allow for time to the heal, the alternative is to make the injury worse and really not be able to run anymore.
    It is a little tough to get going again, I found mostly because of fear of re-injury, but you do get back on track a whole lot faster than the first time.
    You know what to do to keep from gaining too much weight back. You’ll be back to running and doing what you love before you know it!

  7. Julie

    I SO feel for you. I’m facing the fear of never running again as well. I’ve been down from tibial and achilles tendonitis for going on FIFTEEN months and it’s so depressing. The problem with leg trouble is that it keeps you from so many other things (hiking, jump roping, even walking the dog 🙁

    My legs used to be my pride and joy and gifted me with so much happiness, and now I’m afraid I hate them. I feel old 🙁

    I’m attempting physical therapy again and made an appt for a consult tomorrow. Maybe you should try a sports injury consult as well???

    1. Lisa Eirene

      If I could EVER reach my doctor, I will.

  8. Julie

    I just noticed I put two frowny faces into your comments. Boy, that’s not very encouraging is it? Sorry! I HAVE FAITH that we will both be up and running again soon!

  9. Ashley

    I would be scared too, but I think it helps to imagine the worst scenario — if you can’t run again, like you said, you could still cycle and do other things to maintain your weight.

    That said I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be. 🙁

  10. Lori (Finding Radiance)

    It’s understandable to be scared. But it isn’t the end of the world. I was running a ton at the beginning of the year. I had a goal of running 750 miles during the course of 2010 and was well on my way to that.
    Then in April I herniated a disk in my back. No running. I physically *could not* run, so that took the choice component out of the equation. I did not run for 6 weeks! I was worried I would wake up 100 pound heavier or that I would never run again.

    My body healed, and although I still have some residual effects from the disk, I am pretty much back to normal.

    Healing a lesser injury by giving your body a full and complete short-term rest is the better thing than to push on because of fear and then end up with a nasty long-term injury.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks Lori. I guess I just needed to hear from someone else that lost 100+ pounds tell me that they did not gain it all back. 🙂

      1. Sarah

        Lori did great this Spring managing her injury and training. Lyn from Lyn’s Weigh has recently be going through some surgery recovery and was worried about the same thing, also doing great. I’ve just come across you via FitBlog more anecdotal evidence… I”ve had 5 knee surgeries at goal out of 11 total. I’m still down 185 pounds +/-a few.

        It forces you to think a bit more about your food, but you can do it. Let yourself heal so you can run once again.

        Oh and if it is IT Band, may I suggest a foam roller if you aren’t already using one. Often something a PT will use, I have one for home. Once you get used to it… best thing ever.

        Good luck, wishing you a speedy recovery!

        1. Lisa Eirene

          Sarah thanks for making it over to my blog. I am VERY happy to hear about other people in the same boat as me who did not gain weight. I would love to hear about your 185 pounds loss. That sounds spectacular! And yes, I do have a foam roller. I need to be more diligent.

  11. Chantal

    Hello!ok, here it is: i’m a nurse and i can tell you that ..michael is right! (i will be happy of this…lol) You have to stop training for a while because you will injure yourself more. Otherwise, you are doing te right thing by doing the RICE technique. You also have to reach a doctor as soon as you can, and if you can a physiotherapist specialised in sports injuries. He will help you recover, he will also find with you a training program that best fits you. Here in Canada, we have a specialist name osteopath, i don’t know if it’s a speciality who exist in america? This person is specialised in the body in a holistic way, and help a lot skeleton and muscular injury.A runner i know had a IT band injury and recover with the treatment of her osteopath. I hope i have helped you like you inspire me every day… (excuse my poor english i am a french speaker 🙂 )

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I have an appointment on Monday with my doc. Thanks for the tips. I do have a physical therapist too.

  12. Alan (Pounds Off Playoff)

    Lisa, sorry to hear you are going through this. Very tough. But you will get through it. Don’t force it. Do alternatives. I know you love biking from your previous posts.

    I joined a softball team this spring when I was just starting to get in shape. On the first night, I partially tore my hamstring. There was a softball sized red spot on the back of my thigh. I’ve heard of how hammys can persist and at that very moment I wondered if ever get full function back. I took two weeks completely off, even from biking, which seemed really wrong, but I was told it was necessary. Then, I learned more about stretching, tried not to push past what I could handle, and it wasn’t long before I felt as if it’d never happened. Seems like a permanent condition. It’s not.

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