cats Dogs Family Fat Kitty Injuries Maya Michael

The Beasts

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Deb

    Ugh! So scary! I told you about Sashi ripping her nail completely out. I called the vet and they said all they could do was bandage her and trim the jagged part of the nail. Well, no nail to trim up and I can bandage her so she never went in. I put Neosporin on it when I cleaned it and changed her bandage.

    She is so cute nose to nose with Fat Kitty! So glad he finally came around to her. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yes, your story scared me!!! How horrible!

  2. Candace

    Poor thing, I always worried about that! Luckily we rarely need to clip our dogs nails, somehow they get filed down naturally when she runs, either that, or they just don’t grow very much. I would be so nervous if I had to cut them regularly! There is no worse feeling when your pet (child) is hurt or sick.

    Crate: We went through the exact same stages with our dog. We were leery to leave her out of her crate at night (or home alone), but she did great the first time, even though we’d find her on the couch in the morning instead of her bed. We put the crate away 2 years ago for good (she’s 4 now).

    Now I’m embarrassed to admit that she is either in our bed, or our son’s bed every night. I swore I would never allow a dog on our bed but here we are…I just can’t tell her “no” and shut the door in her face. Sometimes I’ll kneel down and tell her she needs to sleep in my son’s room instead of ours and she listens! No whining at the door, she just goes in there and waits for him. They are too smart sometimes.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh I totally said the same thing. No dog on the bed. That last like 2 months? Then she was so dang cute and she’s SUCH a cuddle bug that I gave in. Now all the animals are on the bed. LOL

  3. Lori

    I can’t believe you have had her this long already. It is so, so common for nail trims to bleed. and they do bleed profusely! It’s insane. It’s especially hard to trim the dark nails because it is too hard to see the quick. She’ll be fine, though, and forget all about it.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It’s hard to imagine our life before Bella!
      And yes, she seems to have forgiven and forgotten already.

  4. Kelly @ Finding a Skinnier Me

    Aw she seems like she is adjusting so well and she looks like such a great dog!!!

    I have nicked their nails too, it happens, you feel bad because they make a huge stink out of it but it does happen.

    My oldest dog (Red) started out in a crate but it was pretty obvious that she was well potty trained from the beginning so within a few months we put the crate away except for special occasions. She never had any urge to do anything but sleep on her own bed, we tried to get her to sleep with us but she refused, she wanted her own space to sleep in (even though she has to share with the B cat most nights). Arya has been crate trained from the very beginning because she is a hell raiser. We tried to let her sleep in the living room with Red (we even got two beds) and she would shove Red off of her bed EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, plus I would wake up and hear her toenails clacking on the floors, so we started letting her sleep in the laundry room without a carrier and the door closed. Every night she takes her bed apart (picks out the fluff one by one, even with toys in there) or eats socks if they are dropped by accident on the floor. She will probably never be allowed to sleep in the main part of the house because she just can’t control her destructive urges. Bella Rue (mini dachshund) has always slept with us simply because when we tried to crate train her at night she went crazy dog on us and would not stop crying. That means we had a few bed accidents if we didn’t wake up fast enough when she was a baby but she was amazingly easy to potty train, so there were only like two incidents. Bella just loves cuddling with us so much she isn’t even tempted to do anything else, which is nice and we can trust her. Each dog is really unique and comes around in their own time.

    I love that you guys are such great pet owners!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Aww poor Bella Rue. Isn’t that dog crying/whining the worst? It’s like when a baby cries and your heart just breaks.

      Our Bella is a cuddler too. My hope is that someday Fat Kitty and Bella will like each other and cuddle. 🙂

  5. Courtney

    Awww. I’m glad they are finally getting along! We have too much competition in our house as it is, so I don’t think we will be getting a dog anytime soon.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Well Fat Kitty is the King of the House so there’s not much competition here, except for my affection. Both Bella and the cat struggle with that. 😉

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