We are slowly getting settled in the new house. I am grateful that we had some help. My mom came down for the weekend to help with Logan so Michael and I could work on the old house and I could unpack during breaks and then help clean the old house to put it on the market.
For a few months I’ve been painting and doing a ton of stuff to the house (last minute touches) but there were things we couldn’t do until everything was moved out. So this weekend was a herculean effort of home remodeling and cleaning to get it camera ready to sell. Michael’s mom came over and the three of us literally spent ALL DAY Saturday and Sunday cleaning and painting and remodeling. It was back breaking and hard work. It was hot and tiring. We were all tired and cranky and overworked and over it! But it looks great and will be ready for pictures and ready to sell.
Friday night some friends came over to see the new place. We had dinner on the back patio. It was nice outside and much cooler out there than inside! Our new place does not have AC yet. (Yes we were spoiled in our last house!!!)

As you can see, I am not currently doing keto because for the last few weeks it’s kinda been “eat whatever I can whenever I can”. We were trying to eat the stuff in our pantry/fridge/freezer to have less to move and that meant eating carbs. I can tell I’ve gained some weight. Pants feelin’ a bit tight right now! But as soon as we’re settled I will be back on the keto plan and get back on track.

I am so grateful for Michael’s mom’s help! She did a TON of cleaning. And I am so grateful my mom helped all weekend with Logan. There is NO WAY we could have finished our old house if I hadn’t had help with my little guy. But the downside was that Logan was having a little bit of a hard time. Lots of changes, new room, new house, different routine, fighting bedtimes. By Sunday afternoon he was in full meltdown mode, didn’t want dinner, and put himself to bed after his bath and conked out immediately (that never happens!!) poor little guy. 🙁 I know he’ll adjust soon and it will be ok.

I am super ready to be done with all of this!
Moving is beyond stressful. I do love the photos of the toys on the stairs. Here in central Florida we are having a extremely hot 4th. The temperature today is 98 with a heat index of 105 plus the humidity. I am staying indoors. Your hot dog meal looks delicious.
Lisa Eirene
Moving is so stressful. I am beyond my limits and ready for a break (mental and physical!). We are going to have a hot week next week, too! Stay cool.