Logan and I had a little date and went rock climbing! He’s been once before and loved it. This time I tried it, too! We went to the Circuit Gym this time (we both agreed that the other gym we tried was better). It looked so fun I wanted to try it. Now, I’m afraid of heights so I did not climb very high and I focused more on climbing sideways along a wall (which is just as hard if you ask me). I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do it at all because of my hip tear, but I did ok! I did not have any issues with it. I might have been using my upper body more and perhaps I need to use my legs more in the future, but no pain. I did have sore upper body muscles, though!

It’s kind of an expensive hobby, so not necessarily something we will do very often. (Most places seem to be $20/adult and $18/kids plus shoe rentals). If you are afraid of heights, I can see this being something that could help try and conquer that fear. I have zero interest in doing it for real and I don’t want Logan to, either. But in a gym it’s pretty fun. What I’d like to try is rappelling. It looks really fun! With that, you are in a harness and rope so it would feel safer for me and I think I’d like climbing a little higher.
In other climbing up news, in my last post I mentioned that I switched my medication to cymbalta. After almost 2 months I am starting to notice a difference. I used to take so much advil and tylenol. Aleve stopped working for me awhile ago, no idea why. But lately I’ve noticed that I haven’t had to take it much! That is huge for me. I feel like I am starting to climb out of the pain and darkness.
Cymbalta is supposed to help with pain, not just depression. I think it is working for both. I feel lighter, I feel more upbeat, I feel less pain. The chronic soreness all over my body is lessening. The hip tear pain is sometimes still there? It depends on the activity I do. But I am definitely noticing a difference!
What I like most is feeling optimistic about the future. For the first time in awhile. I’ve also been feeling like I want to do ACTIVITIES. Maybe it’s just that the fear of covid is lessening (kids are all vaccinated and boosted) or maybe it’s finally being sick of not doing anything for 3 years! But I am excited.
I am making plans with friends. I am making plans for the future. I recently joined a community group with like minded people and then checked out their women’s group. I feel good about meeting new people and trying new things!
Really looking forward to summer!
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