calories cheating Cravings emotional eating food lunch running

Fat Cat, Skinny Girl

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. The Boyfriend


      1. The Boyfriend

        I’m serious. You look great!

  2. vengeanceandvanity

    I think the biggest issue from my childhood is following my mother’s example: she approaches the world through a filter of fear. I want to approach the world through a filter of love. I know that’s not directly pertinent to food, but I think it applies–I believe that I can be skinny and healthy, and I won’t be afraid of backsliding or giving up.

  3. fightingwithfood

    Furry friends are the best – don’t you just love how they can be “fat” and never care! Yours are adorable ๐Ÿ™‚
    I don’t think my issues with food stemmed from my upbringing. We ate every dinner as a family (just myself, mom & dad) and it was usually healthy fare. My food issues developed as a byproduct of body/self-image issues.

  4. Katie J

    Your BF is too sweet! Awww!

    I have issues with my food touching. I have been that way since I was a kid. Not sure where it stems from though.

    LOL @ Fat Kitty. My friend has a rescue cat that does the same thing. Her name is Gretta. She has lost a few lbs. cuz her mama feeds her diet kitty food now.

  5. Beth

    I think a lot of my food issues stem from my upbringing, but not at all because there was never enough food. My family is OBSESSED with food and everyone is a foodie.. and we always talk about what to have for the next meal while eating the current one. I think this led to me grasp onto food as something to help me when I was happy, sad, angry, lonely, etc etc. I’ve been working hard to reshape my thinking so that i see food as FUEL.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      That’s funny–we talk about the next meal too.

  6. Carbzilla

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I can’t wait to read through yours! Congrats on your terrific accomplishment. I hope you’re proud every day!

  7. Christine @ Grub, Sweat and Cheers

    Sounds like you had a great run – nice!

    I was brought up really healthily; a lot of home-grown food, home baked products etc. We rarely ever had junk which meant, of course, I went nutso on it when I was able to buy it myself. But I can’t blame my upbringing too much, I screwed myself up in regards to food all by myself.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      My parents were way into health food too and as a result I would sneak goodies and eat bad when I wasn’t at home.

  8. Kelly

    What a great run!!! WOO HOO!

  9. shelby

    You just described my cat, too. He’s a rescue and we adopted him as an adult, and he has major food issues! He’s put on so much weight since we got him – he’s just obsessed with eating everything as much as possible as quickly as possible. Understandable, given his background. But frustrating, because like you guys, if we try to feed him less or restrict their food then my other cat will waste away. I don’t have the energy or space to try to feed them separately. So for now, he’ll have to just be chubby. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Sounds exactly like my kitties! I tried switching to diet food and they let me know they didn’t like it by barfing all over! ๐Ÿ™ Poor babies. I try to chase him and get him to play to get exercise.

  10. Healthy Weight Cat » 110 Pounds and Counting

    […] of my kitties, whom I refer to asย Fat Kittyย on this blog, has a bit of a weight problem. He’s always been kind of a big cat. He’s […]

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