calories Dinner food

Impossible Hunger

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Lori (Finding Radiance)

    LOL – I get like that, too. I call it “falling off the cliff”
    Then I just want to shove whatever I can find into my mouth.

  2. lisasfoods

    I think there’s something about women going from not hungry at all to starving. My boyfriend points this out all the time, because I’ll go from having no hunger to getting really hungry and needing food. Must be something about our metabolisms.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I’m so glad I’m not the only one!!!

  3. Kelly

    Running takes a lot of you and you need to eat more on those days because your body burns through so many calories. An afternoon snack of only an apple is probably why you were so hungry. Try pairing an apple with either a protein or a healthy fat to keep you full longer and the starvation phase away!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I usually eat more calories on days I swim or run because of that fact. But yesterday was just weird…nothing seemed to fill me up!

  4. Ivie

    I am the same way…..when I haven’t eaten for awhile, I get withdrawn and quiet. I often can’t think straight or form a coherent sentence and will sometimes get light headed. I used to carry a little pack of peanuts in my purse for occasions when this would happen. I’ve been told it is due to low blood sugar and can be symptoms of hypoglycemia.
    I used to get this quite often, before I changed my eating, and I think it happened more often when I ate more simple carbs – I’d have a huge crash afterwards. I don’t have this so much anymore, unless I just wait too long to eat.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I grab snacky things too. I will try the peanuts.

  5. Lisa (I'm an Okie)

    Yes, I definitely have those days.

    I usually get handsy and just start grabbing nuts or cereals or whatever is in eyesight.

    True blood was CRAZY this past Sunday. the scene with bill and lorena…umm yeah, crazy!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      That was a disturbing scene! I wasn’t a fan of Lorena in the books. Don’t like her much in the show, either!

  6. Katie @ Health for the Whole Self

    I know exactly what you mean! What you said about no food and all food sounding appealing simultaneously is exactly how I feel sometimes!

  7. Carbzilla

    That’s EXACTLY how I used to get before I cut my sugar way down and made sure I got enough protein. My poor husband would just have to helplessly watch. One time my blood sugar dropped so quickly I fainted in Lowe’s. Thank goodness I was wearing a skort!

    That dinner looks yummy!

    (PS. When tested my glucose levels came out totally normal too. This is much more of a “reactive” blood sugar drop than a chronic condition)

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Thanks for the info! I will try cutting back on sugar even more. I am so bad with my sweet tooth…

  8. Robinsbite

    I just found your site and have to say CONGRATULATIONS on your commitment to change your life. I’ve only read a few posts so far, but I am enjoying it and plan to follow regularly now!

    One reason you are going from not hungry to hungry so quickly has to do with what and when you ate last. If you ate mostly carbs at your last meal/snack, your blood sugar with surge and then drop quicker than if you have a lean protein, a complex carb and a bit of healthy fat. It takes longer for the body to breakdown the later and it keeps your blood sugar more level for a longer period of time. Keeping peanuts on hand is a great idea. Eating every 3-4 hours is a good goal to shoot for, particularly on your heavy exercise days. Hope this helps!

    Robin (Registered and Licensed Dietitian)

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