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Running Questions

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. bethh

    Thanks so much for this thoughtful post! I’m a little behind on my reading but I finally got to sit down with this last night.

    First – I now have new shoes. I was out of town last week (and managed to run twice even so!) and it became clear on my final run of the week 3 of the Couch to 5k program that something was just not right. So Tuesday I went to the Portland Running Company in SE and got fit for something much more supportive – she could see that my legs were turning in a lot. I tried running that night but it was HOT, my legs were still sore from the weekend, and I was having some problems with my asthma so I stopped after 18 minutes in. I tried again yesterday and it was better – perhaps some residual leg soreness from the other shoes, but it was definitely not as uncomfortable, so I feel encouraged. My shins hurt some, and I think/hope that’s leftovers from the older shoes.

    The link to your Running is Hard blog post was great – it’s kind of amazing how hard it really is! I’ve been biking at varying levels for 15 years, and it’s just a different type of exercise completely. So it’ll be interesting as I figure out how to run, and then how to incorporate it into my life.

    Tomorrow I do the 55-mile distance of Reach the Beach (eep) – it used to be my favorite ride in Oregon but it’s a decade since I did it last! That makes today a rest day, though I’ll likely talk a walk during lunch. Next week I will resume week 4 of c5k, after having run only once this week, but that’s just the way it shaped up and I’ll have to live with it!

    In general I expect to spend this summer biking both weekend days and at least one midweek day, running two days, and swimming at most once per week. We’ll see how it goes.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yeah! Glad you got fitted for new shoes and found some that work for your body. Hopefully you will start seeing results immediately. I got fitted at Foot Traffic in downtown Portland and they were great, too. Spent plenty of time trying to get the shoes that were just right.

      Isn’t it interesting how our bodies get conditioned to do certain activities and when we try something new it’s REALLY HARD? Harder than we expect! LOL I do the same thing, I think that I’m really physical conditioned because of all the activities I do, but there is also a CYCLING CONDITIONING that is way different from just being physically fit.

      How did Reach the Beach go? It looked like you guys had great weather for it this weekend!!

      1. bethh

        RTB was terrific!! I love that ride SO much, it’s just so insanely beautiful. My friend and I started from Amity so it was just short of 55 miles, which is the perfect ride – I think the longer routes for that ride go through some very UN-pretty areas before Amity. We got super lucky with the weather too.

        My friend had a rough time – she’s had stuff going on that meant she couldn’t get trained for it, so she sagged after 40 miles and I did the last 15 solo. It felt good to be able to go my own speed (I stayed with her at her pace until she stopped) but my body was tired from all the time in the saddle. It’s all part of the training!

        1. Lisa Eirene

          That is so cool! I agree, the Amity start is a good one. It’s the perfect distance and the scenery is great. Michael started from the Newberg start and it was a LOT of rolling hills.

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