Amazon cats Fat Kitty KT Tape Recommendations Review Runner's Knee Running injury tips Winter winter blues

Things I’m Loving Lately

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Lisa A

    I will have to look into that cat feeder. I have a big boy, Cody, that looks exactly like Fat Kitty and shares his love of food! I work from home, so I feed him a measured amount three times a day to keep him in check. If I left the food out, he would eat it all. It’s hard if I need to be gone for the day or overnight though because if I give him more than usual, he will eat it all and then go the rest of the time I’m gone being hungry. His sister isn’t nearly as interested in food and she lets him eat all hers too. I wonder if it would work well if I only used it from time to time when I can’t be home to feed him all day.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I tried doing the measured food thing and taking the food away after a certain amount of time. That didn’t work. The cats got REALLY angry. Protested and then spent hours complaining that they couldn’t graze. ALSO Maya is so shy that she would never eat before I could take the food away.

      Give this feeder a try. It has worked really well for us. The cats adjusted fairly quickly and don’t seem bothered by it. Even Maya, the shy kitty, eats from it. It did help Fat Kitty with his weight but not a ton. He’s still a big boy. But for cats, even a pound or two less is great!

      1. Lisa A

        Thanks! I’m going to try it for sure! I feel bad sometimes doing the measured food. He really doesn’t like it either. If it’s getting close to food time, if I even look like I’m going to get up he jumps up and sprints over to the food area. I feel like I’m starving him.

        Oh, and I’m totally an Amazon Prime junkie too! I tried to cancel my membership last month when it was time to renew because I spend way too much money on there. I only made it about a week being Prime-less before I decided I couldn’t live without it! 🙂

        1. Lisa Eirene

          There is no way we could get rid of Prime! We use it WAY too much!

  2. RolandasPT4U

    I am totally with you on the SAD issue, here in the UK lots of people also suffer with it. What I didn’t expect was this Aikiou Stimulo Activity Food Center for Cats – wow, I never heard of something like that before. I have a friend who has not only 1 fat cat, but 3. I think in their case they put on weight once they were neutered. I am going to tell my friend about this post.

    Congratulations on your own weight loss and fitness regime. As a personal trainer, it’s always great to hear about (and help with) success stories like this.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks for the kudos! And yes, pass this on to your friend. Hope the feeder helps their kitties!

  3. Roz@weightingfor50

    Happy Thanksgiving Lisa! I should look into the feeder for Neva. She’s a little rounder than she used to be. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Awww cats are like us people…a little rounder the older we get. 😉

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