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Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Marianne

    First off, I love Logan’s butterfly that needs to be put up on the wall! Your photography is great. The hiking you all do so jealous. For my self care I do the family room workout for about an hour plus then go for an outdoor walk. It is starting to get too hot here though. Then in the afternoon I am finishing my book Molokai this book IS SO GOOD! Stay safe and have a great week.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you! He did a good job. 🙂
      Your self care sounds good. And glad you like Molokai! It was a good book!
      We are slowly running out of places to hike. And I use the word “hike” loosely, because they are often just nature trails in parks that aren’t closed (yet). But slowly they are being closed. 🙁 We don’t go if they are crowded, if people are there we go somewhere else.

  2. emmaclaire

    That Logan face – how do you keep from constantly pinching those cheeks like someone’s Great-Aunt Bertha?!? He is just so cute!

    Self-care can be tough when the world goes wonky. I am still going in to work Mon-Thur, and so my brain thinks everything is normal, until I start thinking about all the little self-care things I usually do, but can’t right now. Like taking a reading lunch break, journaling at Starbucks on Friday afternoons, the gym, my therapist appointment on Tuesday, etc. So I am trying to do what I can, like I ate lunch and journaled in my car yesterday – not the same, but it helped (like your quarantine journal – what a great idea!). Shifting my work start time by a half hour, which lets me sleep a little longer, etc. The biggest thing is to give myself permission to acknowledge that it’s hard – things are definitely NOT normal, so why should I expect myself to think/act as if they were? Making my way through the Harry Potter books is helping, too – so much fun to revisit those stories! Hang in there and be healthy!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I think those are great. Shifting your start time to sleep more is great. That will help a lot with staying healthy! Things are not normal and the standards we have for ourselves are different, so we have to remind ourselves that.

      Thank you! I think Logan is pretty cute too 🙂

  3. Loretta J. Gilbert

    Thank you for this inspirational post, and you are absolutely correct we need more time to give our selves. If we aren’t at 100% then things will suffer.

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