We got to snuggle Zoey for 2 hours in the labor room, mostly uninterrupted. I had planned on doing a tubal ligation right after but after hearing about the process (it sounded a little more involved than I thought) I decided to wait. Which meant I was no longer on clear liquids only because of the epidural! (I was having a lot of itchiness from the epidural, which happens I guess, and thankfully that stopped after a few hours.)
We got moved to the recovery room and settled in. Michael went and got food. One of the best moments: he hand fed me a giant, delicious burrito while I nursed Zoey. π I was so hungry!
After that, the nurse offered to take Zoey with her for a little bit so we could sleep. We were the only people on the recovery floor, which was why she offered. It was so nice. A little weird to be separated and I was a little anxious at first. But then we both slept for 90 minutes and it felt amazing.
The nurse brought her back and I nursed a bit more and then we all took another nap. It was so nice. And the rest was NEEDED.
At 5am I woke up and we both needed some tests and stuff and then I asked Michael to get breakfast. I didn’t want to wait for 7am when the hospital cafeteria opened. So he got egg Mcmuffins at McDonalds–amazing. LOL and he fed me the breakfast while I fed Zoey.
More naps, more tests, pediatrician came by, lactation consultant came by. Then Michael picked up lunch! Deli meat! LOL stuff I couldn’t eat while pregnant. Lunch was great! Another nap! Yay!

Zoey passed all the tests with flying colors and we were given the go ahead to go home. I wanted Logan to get to meet her asap! I missed my guy.

My parents brought Logan to the hospital. No visitors but he got to meet us at the door and see Zoey. He was SO excited and the four of us drove home together.

Michael got SUSHI! More stuff I missed eating.

Logan is over the moon about being a big brother. It’s so awesome to see. I know the novelty will wear off, but it’s cute to see.

Lots of big changes and it’s hard. I am trying to spend some quality time with Logan. Grateful my mom is here to help out.
It’s nice to be home and in our own bed. Zoey does NOT like having her diaper changed, is not a fan of binkies, and wants to be awake and held at night. That’s been hard. I try and take a nap as often as I can because nights are hard right now.

She had her first outing on Wednesday. We went to the doctor for a weight check and thankfully she hasn’t lost too much weight. Breastfeeding has been rough and I got the luxury breast pump from the hospital, like I did with Logan, and that is helping a lot!

My mom was with us all week, my dad went home and came back for the weekend. Zoey LOVES napping on my dad. π We spent the weekend resting, watching TV and snuggling the baby.

Saturday night my friend Star brought us an AMAZING meal and it was so good. Meatloaf for days, mashed potatoes, two different salads and cupcakes. The food was so good. It was like the best meal. And I so appreciated it!

For a few days Zoey had her days and nights mixed up and didn’t like sleeping much at night. It was so rough. Every time we put her down to sleep she’d wake up and just want to be held. But after a few days she started to figure things out and was sleeping in better chunks at night. I was trying to sleep as much as I could, and then she’d wake up to eat, and go back down. Still not the best sleep, but better than being up ALL night.

My mom was such a huge help! It was great having my parents here. But then it started to feel like we needed to get back to “life” and figure out a routine and try to get back to our “normal” routine. (As much as possible LOL.) They went home Monday, which was a little sad…but I am glad that Michael is home on paternity leave for a bit. We are trying to figure out when we can take naps in shifts (life with a newborn!), Michael is doing chores, I am watching a lot of TV and Zoey is cluster feeding. π
Logan had some big feelings this weekend. I knew it would be coming and it breaks my heart to see him struggle. He’s still so curious and loves his new sister, but is having a hard time. Another reason I thought it was time for my parents to head home. Logan just wanted mommy and daddy time.
So far things are going ok. Despite the sleep deprivation, it’s a bit easier the second time around because we know what to expect.
Jo Donaghy
She’s just beautiful! I love the photo of Zoey with Grandpa, so sweet. Logan will probably feel better once you have all developed a routine. Take care, Jo.
Lisa Eirene
Thank you! I agree, I think routine will help all of us
How exciting to get back to eating food without having to worry! And oh what a sweet baby you have there. I’m sure you’re all feeling everything, but the pic of Logan with all the stuffed animals is just the cutest. I hope all your nesting is going well.
Lisa Eirene
Thank you!! π
Zoey is soooooo cute and what a big baby! Logan will be the best big brother it will just take time. He has lost a front tooth.
Lisa Eirene
Thanks! He is getting the hang of it. He likes to give her kisses and tell her good morning and good night. It’s pretty cute
She’s beautiful, Lisa!! Congrats to Mom and Dad and Big Brother Logan. I can see his face in hers in a couple of those photos. Here’s wishing you continued health and growth and SLEEP!!
Lisa Eirene
Isn’t it funny how much they look alike!
Are you almost to a month already? How are things?
Lisa Eirene
Surviving! LOL