It’s been awhile! A lot has been happening. What a busy time. On top of that I was sick for basically the entire month of March. The downside of my arthritis medication–I caught a cold, that turned into a sinus infection that wouldn’t get better. Two rounds of antibiotics, I couldn’t take my shots, felt like crap for a long time. Was finally getting better, now I have a bronchitis/asthma cough thing that is really annoying. Thankfully not pneumonia and no antibiotics, just prednisone.

I haven’t been doing much by ways of fitness since I’ve been sick. I have been doing a lot in the garden, though, and it’s looking great! I have a TON of thriving natives (the two above are Oregon Iris and Western Columbine) and some things I planted last fall as a hail mary (two bare root rose bushes and a few other things) are thriving, too.

Logan and I went up to Seattle for a few days during Spring Break. Big news: my parents bought a house in Portland!! They are finally moving closer to us. So we went up to help with packing, purging, organizing. They’ve lived in that house since 1976 (omg) so there is a lot to do.

It had been a long time since I was up in Seattle, I think my Grandma’s funeral was the last time. I drove by some old places, including my old middle school and highschool. Everything looks so different. It will be weird when my parents move away from Seattle.
Anyways, the rest of life has been super busy too. Kid stuff, holidays, family things. I am on a committee for a charity auction and that’s been taking up all my time as well. Zoey is getting so big and is a handful!

What else….? I am obsessed with Beyonce’s new album (and I am NOT a country music fan). I recently started watching The Resident and it’s so good! Definitely a good binge show. The weather has been gorgeous in Portland lately and I am SO READY for summer! Hiking! SUP! Swimming! Hanging out in my hammock in the garden. Seriously so excited.
What’s new in your world?
How great for you to have your parents closer! And a special bonus for Logan & Zoey to be able to see G&G more often. My grandkids were in CA when they were littles, so we missed a lot. They’re closer now, but still over an hour away. It’s been a treat as they’ve, one after the other, started driving – meeting halfway is a blessing!
Hope your health issues clear up enough to be able to do all your favorite summer activities!
Lisa Eirene
That’s lovely. There is definitely something special about that relationship!