100 pounds empty calories limiting calories Losing weight staying motivated weight weight gain weight loss Weight Watchers

Why Losing Weight is Healthy

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. blondeviki

    Thanks for reminding me why I need to keep up with my health kick even when the pounds don’t seem to be coming off – exercise and eating healthy are important for so many other reasons and you’ve helped to keep my motivation up!

  2. the365dayhealthchallenge

    Great post 🙂

    I’m working on losing weight to get healthy! I used to be really active (I played a sport every season in high school) but then I hurt my back and it seriously limited my activity. In the past year I’ve had two spinal surgeries and now that I’m on the road to recovery I’m working on being more active again 🙂

    I do follow the GI Diet, it was recommended by my doctor because I am insulin resistant.
    It was hard at first but now I really like it and I feel much better, down 24lbs and at 200 I’m almost out of the 200s for the first time in years.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Is there a GI book you recommend?

      1. the365dayhealthchallenge

        Both my mom and my nutritionist recommended The G.I. Diet by Rick Gallop. There are several versions (including one for busy people) I like it because it’s nice and straight forward rating foods red (rarely consume or avoid until maintenance), yellow (use in moderation, but limit consumption) and green (what you should mostly be eating). I don’t keep any red foods in the house so I can’t be tempted. Its easy 🙂

  3. Beth

    I wanted to lose weight to look and feel better, but also to avoid the health risks associated with obesity. My dad has every weight related condition in the book – – high cholesterol, high blood pressure, Diabetes Type II, heart disease, sleep apneia… I knew I was on the same path if I didn’t change things, and that wasn’t where I wanted my path to go.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Beth those are all excellent reasons to lose weight! I had a similar revelation when I thought about my dearly departed grandfather. He had so many health problems and I knew I didn’t want to be that way, either.

  4. sugardiaries

    Low gycemic is awesome! I was on a plateau for…gulp…a couple of years. I’ve cut out simple sugars (always high glycemic) and the pounds are coming off again. Good luck, good to hear your health stats are good! And you look great!

  5. Alan

    Thanks for sharing your BP info. Examples like yours keep me going. 🙂

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