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My Weight Workout

My Weight Workout

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Jennifer

    These are great exercises! I’ve been wanting to get back to strength training exercises at least 1-2 times a week, in addition to runs and dance classes. I think I’ll print these out and use it as a guide!! Thank you!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Awesome! Let me know how you do. I’m always looking for new exercises to try.

  2. Cheryle

    Congrats on switching things up! I do think strength training + HIIT (high intensity interval training) is the way to go. My trainer FINALLY convinced me to give up my “endless cardio” (his wording, not mine, lol) sessions in favor of more time in the weight room and more focused cardio. Yesteday, I did with him:

    Barbell squats
    Some kind of cable row – don’t know the name

    Barbell bench press
    Walking lunges with dumb bells

    Reverse grip lat pulldowns
    Some kind of reverse ab torture exercise

    I will try to get more specifics from him and let you know the proper names. πŸ™‚ Anyway, we do the exercises in groups of 2 as outlined above, run through them 3 times. Start with a lighter weight at 10 reps, slightly heavier (or the same) at 10 reps, and then bump up the weight and reduce reps to 8 for the last set.

    I also wear a HRM and am blown away by how high by heart rate goes – especially when I am lifting on the heaver side. Yesterday, I burnt 589 calories lifting weights! Who knew??? πŸ™‚

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That sounds like a difficult routine. I’m impressed. I’ve only tried the bench press once and it was intimidating and awkward. I couldn’t keep the bar straight. How do you do it?

      I’d love to hear what else you are doing in the future. And YES! The calories burned are awesome. My last weight workout m HR got up to the 160’s, which is high for me. I was impressed.

      1. Cheryle

        The bench press is awkward at first. The first time I ever tried it was last November, by myself, before I was working with my trainer. I tried to press it once and it was SO HEAVY (45 pounds) that I barely got it back on the rack.

        Fast forward to January, I’ve been working with my trainer for a couple of weeks. He makes sure I am in the correct position with the right grip and stands over me to spot me on the lifts. It was VERY awkward the first few times with him, too, but I gradually built up strength and confidence so that it doesn’t feel so bad anymore. I am now up to 10/10/8 reps with weights of 90/90/95. Hope to break 100 soon! πŸ™‚

        I would never do this lift on my own, though. I would always use a spotter on this one.

        1. Lisa Eirene

          Wow! That’s impressive, and motivating! I will have to make an effort to try it and not be intimidated.

  3. Jodi @ Jodi, Fat or Not

    You totally read my mind! I was just looking around last night for someone who had blogged about a strength training routine that they loved. I’m terrible at doing strength training on my own, even with realizing how important it is for weight loss. I was feeling pretty strong when I was seeing my trainer twice a week – but can’t afford that forever! This workout looks doable and I’m glad to hear you are enjoying it πŸ™‚

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It’s funny, I sent a message out to the Twittervse to get some ideas on strength training workouts and I got zero responses. πŸ™

      I agree with you, it’s definitely difficult to find motivation to lift when we don’t have a routine to do. It’s hard to think up things. The Nike Training Club app is great when my brain isn’t motivated for the workout.

  4. Sarah

    I secretly circuit train, as in I go to a gym class that does circuit training. We actually do most of the exercises you mentioned πŸ™‚

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’ve been wanting to try Body Pump for a year now! The classes are always packed, though.

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