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Why Recover?

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Biz

    Great guest post! Yep, I’ve discovered that the older I get, the more rest between workouts is key.

    Thanks! 😀

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m noticing that ask well–and that injury is easier!

  2. Coco

    Great explanation. I am not very good at recovery, but I am trying!

  3. Randy

    I’ve found the proper nutrition to be my biggest obstacle. I think that’s because other people are involved in meal planning, dining out, social gatherings, etc and I’m not totally in control of that aspect. Plus it costs more to eat properly! And it takes longer in a lot of cases. That doesn’t seem fair, but that’s the way it is.

  4. Joanne Smith

    Biz, I agree with your comment. From the age of 30 and onwards, a number of physical changes take place in the average person’s body. Aerobic capacity decreases, muscle mass reduces, muscle elasticity reduces, lung elasticity declines, bone density reduces, the metabolism slows, body fat increases and the immune system becomes weaker. These changes can have an adverse impact on any sort of physical activity but it is still possible to compete at good levels with a good training regime and recovery program. You only need a good plan that you can stick to

  5. Stacey Crews

    I do a bit of body building with my boyfriend and it is important to rest properly between training sessions. When your muscles repair themselves after training they are slightly stronger than before, which can lead to further growth if training is continued after sufficient rest. It is important to note if you train before the muscle is fully recovered, you can retard growth, and if you fail to train at all you will lose size. Just my 2 cents!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Interesting! That makes a lot of sense, though.

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