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The Final Countdown…

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. bethh

    I signed up for a few of the Portland Parks 5ks, but I’m running into scheduling conflicts with them. But, I’m signed up to do the 10k version of Run Like Hell in October, so I still have a goal! I have time to train up to do 10k, the most I’ve run before is 5k or so.

    I just hiked Mount Saint Helens on Sunday, so once I’m no longer sore and exhausted, I’ll get my running shoes back on!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Well done! I have a friend who is doing Mt St Helens in a few weeks! So impressive.

      I did the Run Like Hell 5k a few years ago. It was a fun race. I’d love to do it again some year. Have a good race!

  2. Lori

    I don’t do events anymore. Partly because I don’t run anymore, but with biking I am not sure I want to do organized events. We might at some point, but for now the cupcake rides are good 😀

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’ve noticed you don’t do the organized cycling rides anymore either. I kind of miss them. But our routines changed and cycling became more about commuting to work and less about training for events. I suppose that kind of took the fun out of it. Maybe I’m just getting older and feel too tired to attempt 100 mile event. 🙂

  3. Fran

    I bet you will be fine at the 5K.

    Like Lori I don’t do events anymore. I never really like running events to be honest. Too many people and always in the middle of the day while I’m a morning runner.

    I do a lot of organized hikes though. I love hiking more than running. I run for my health and I hike for fun and my health.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Organized hiking groups sound like fun. I’d like to try that someday.

  4. Biz

    I wouldn’t worry about having to walk part of the 5k – you are doing more than most people! I joined a running club! This week we run 3 minutes walk 3 minutes, and our 5k is at the end of September. It’s my goal to run (jog!) the whole thing without stopping – we’ll see!

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