calories Dinner food guacamole wine

The Best Guacamole

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin

    I loove guacamole. My favorite thing to add to it is cilantro – which I know you don’t like that much based on a recent post I read but I loooooove it. I also like to add red onions and tomatoes to bulk it up!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Actually I like cilantro–just not in sushi! I will try that next time. 🙂

  2. Ivie

    I make a pretty good guac too, in fact I converted my boyfriend to actually like guac.
    I make it pretty simple:
    Avocados, lime juice, diced tomato, ground cumin, salt, LOTS of pepper, garlic powder and sometimes sour cream to stretch it out. (Usually Lt. sour cream – I don’t have the other stuff)

    Ryan swears the secret is the Cumin.

  3. Mindy @ just a one girl revolution.

    Love, love, love guac. I’ve definitely been making at least once a week lately! My recipe is: avocado, lime juice, red onion, tomato, garlic, and cilantro.

  4. hundredtenpounds

    I agree that diced tomato makes it pretty good!

  5. Yum Yucky

    Guacamole is my heart. I’d like to send that Guac to the pit of my happy stomachs.

  6. Robyn @ Wannabe Writer Runner

    Oh I love guac, but I always let my friends be the one to make it. Yum!

  7. Lisa (bakebikeblog)

    oooh tasty dinner indeed! Great choice 🙂

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