Happy Thanksgiving!
We went to Wilsonville after breakfast to check out the Coyote Way and Tonquin Trail Loop
It was in a nature preserve and part of the park you could bring your dog, and there were some trails that there were no dogs. It was a little foggy and chilly so we bundled up.

It was a nice little walk. The place had a lot of families walking and some people running their “turkey trot”. Most people wore masks. The trails were wide enough, though, so that was nice.

Logan got some much needed energy out. Of course, his new thing is we get as far from the trailhead/car as possible and then he doesn’t want to walk anymore. Then it’s a battle with lots of coaxing…making it a game, trying to see if he can race daddy back to the car, etc etc. So anyways, we only did about 1.5 miles total then headed home.
We definitely want to come back. Next time we’ll leave Bella at home so we can check out the other trails.
We got home and Logan had a bath and I went for a short, 2 mile, run in the neighborhood before cleaning up, having a small lunch and taking a nap with Logan. It was pretty chill, which was nice!
Michael started cooking. He made his famous Mac n’ Cheese, started the chicken to smoke it. Logan and I made dinner rolls and I did the Brussels Sprouts.

The smoked chicken turned out great! And we have some leftovers for about two days worth of meals. Not a ton of leftovers, which is good since it’s just us. Of course the mac n’cheese was amazing.
Something Logan’s preschool does is the “no thank you bite”. I had no idea what he was talking about until he explained it. LOL So he had a no thank you bite (taking one bite and saying no thank you) of the chicken and the mac n’ cheese (sacrilegious) so he got some of his regular Annie’s Mac N’ Cheese instead (so many eye rolls kid!!!). Carrots, applesauce, roll. Basic toddler dinner lol.
Our dinner, however, was fantastic! We ate a little too much, but not so much we feel sick. 😉
Then pie. 😀

Friday Michael had to work. I worked out in our basement after breakfast and then Logan and I went to the “beach” near our house for exploring!

It was very cold, very foggy, but super fun! We were basically the only ones there. We did some exploring, some rock throwing, some walking and saw this:

Logan was very concerned about sharks in the river (lol) and asked if the shark ate the fish.

It was a fun little break from the monotony.
You had a nice little Thanksgiving. We are FINALLY getting some cold weather here in central Florida – down in the 30s.
Lisa Eirene
Wow! 30?!?
Looks like you had a nice Thanksgiving! I had to laugh at Logan turning up his nose at Michael’s mac n’ cheese. Our 2 youngest did the very same thing, at the Empress Hotel in Victoria of all places! There we were, dressed to the nines, and the kids wouldn’t eat the mac n’ cheese because it wasn’t Kraft LOL I was mortified. 20 years later, they’re both excellent cooks and probably wouldn’t touch the Kraft stuff with a 10-foot pole, but Princess does enjoy a comforting box of Annie’s White Cheddar Mac n’ Cheese every once in a while. Kids…
Lisa Eirene
Oh man! That is too funny! We’re always horrified when kids won’t eat the mac n cheese because it’s SO good. Hopefully Logan will grow out of it soon