55 miles bike competition bike ride calories Chocolate dark chocolate Dinner Dinner out Portland Portland Restaurants Reach the Beach sushi

Bike Route-Attempt #2

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. love2eatinpa

    glad you had a less stressful bike ride!
    i used to vigilantly count calories, but have stopped doing that for close to six weeks now (but who’s counting?!). i used to just write them in a spiral notebook and then tally the average at the end of each month to look for patterns.

    i track my workouts in the runner’s world training log. for me though, it’s the same thing week after week, with a variation here and there.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I’ll have to check out the Runner’s World log.

  2. Ivie

    I was just craving sushi and want some for lunch and see you had some for dinner, mmmmm!

  3. Lindsay

    I’ve been craving sushi too! I think that it’s a must for this week! I don’t really track my eats, but I’ve been seriously considering it. I’ve started to notice certain foods make me feel bad so journaling would be a way to get a better feel on that!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I stopped tracking my food for a year and gained weight. I know now that I’m just going to have to track forever. 🙂

  4. Beth

    Mmm i LOVE sushi and miso soup – sorry yours disappointed!

    I keep track of my food and exercise by blogging… very consistently. I used to track with WW and I need to get back to that to lose the last few pounds because I’ve just been maintaining.

  5. Lori (Finding Radiance)

    I track with livestrong.com – it’s fairly easy to use once you get used to it. I keep track pretty much every day, although I am trying to go without tracking 1 or 2 days a week to see what happens.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Livestrong.com seems to be pretty popular! I need to check it out.

  6. vengeanceandvanity

    I track my food faithfully on my blog. I don’t log amounts, but I do log “what”.

    I’m sorry that you didn’t have a brilliant sushi experience–sushi can be so extraordinary.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      The problem is that we knew where to go for “FANTASTIC” sushi–but our wallets and the clock made us choose something fast and easy instead. Oh well.

  7. Lisa @bakebikeblog

    I track my exercise using an online spreadsheet through Buck Eye Outdoors.

  8. Katie J

    Boo for the bad sushi! It stinks when you crave something and then it is sucky.

    I use my bugg to track everything and I use measure up bowls to measure things.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I love those serving size bowls.

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