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Not Just a Fad

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Helen

    We pretty much keep a 125′ uncut roll of KT tape on hand. Between my husband and me it seems we’re always taping something! Literally we’ve used it on everything from groin and calf muscle pulls to shin splints.

    KT tape is the reason I’ve been able to continue taking my boxing classes while I rehab my foot. It gives me the stability I need. And it will be the reason I am able to actually take my black belt test on December 1st, I’m sure.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That is so great! I’m glad it helps you and your husband. Hearing success stories from people who use KT tape has really helped me feel more positive about my own situation.

      Good luck on your black belt test!

  2. Michelle @ Eat Move Balance

    Yay!! That’s awesome–I’ve heard great things about KT tape, but you have to know how to use it in order for it be effective. I really should look into it . . . I could see it being helpful for myself too!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I watched several videos on youtube on proper taping (and the website for the tape). It’s just temporary until I go back to my physical therapist next week and I’m going to ask him to show me the proper way. I’ve only been using the tape for about a week now and the difference is night and day!

  3. Candace

    I have some of that exact tape, also from Amazon! I haven’t used it yet because I’m afraid of using it incorrectly and doing more damage, but I’m definitely going to learn.

    Funny you mention donating and getting rid of stuff, I’ve been in the purging mood for the past few weeks, if I haven’t worn it/used it/looked for it in the past year, it’s going. I don’t have the space to save stuff up for a garage sale.

    I usually give to our local Humane Society thrift store but now I’m going to look into the VV orgnization. Thanks for that info!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      There are some helpful videos out there, but yes, it’s important to do it right. I’ll write a post next week after my PT shows me the correct way if I have any tips from him.

      I donated an old car to my humane society a few years ago. Unfortunately, they don’t have a thrift store associated with them here, or I would donate to them, too. The Veterans organization is a good one and they also pick up the stuff from your house.

  4. Daphne @ Daphne Alive

    Magic tape! So where’s the magic weight loss pill? Awww darn 🙁


  5. Lori

    Purging the house feels so good, doesn’t it? I love to thrift shop and often bring stuff to drop off when I do my shopping. I try to do a rule that if I buy something I have to donate or get rid of something. Does’t always work, but it keeps the house from getting full of junk and clothes.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I LIKE your rule. I need to adopt that.

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