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Confession of a Fast Eater

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. evilcyber

    That about putting the silverware down is one I hadn’t heard of yet! Excellent!

    Tying in with this, I also believe that people may eat more when they eat this fast to actually taste their food. Chewing slower and really “feeling” the taste can make a meal much more satisfactory.

    1. evilcyber

      BTW, there also is this theory about the body sending the “full signal” after about 15 minutes of eating, no matter how much you actually have eaten at that point. Although I haven’t looked into how factual this really is.

    2. Lisa Eirene

      Yes!! I think of some of the best meals of my life and I ate it slowly so I could savor it and it would last longer. I need to remind myself to feel that way about ALL meals!

  2. Karla @ Foodologie

    This is definitely a struggle for me, but I’m really working on it. It’s nice to know that other people struggle with this too. The only way I can slow myself is literally just putting my fork down between bites.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Me too! It’s the only thing sometimes that works.

  3. Roz@weightingfor50

    I come from a family of fast eaters. My husband (and his entire family) are completely slow….so we consciously try to meet in the middle. And it works well!

  4. Deb

    I have this problem too. I will literally consume my entire dinner in less than three minutes every night. If I try to slow down, put the silverware down between bites, chew better (I don’t really chew my food normally), I start having anxiety and I have no idea why. Doesn’t matter if we are eating at home, or going out, my food is gone just like that. :-/

  5. Carbzilla

    I think I’m a medium eater, but lately I’ve been thinking I’ve become a terribly sloppy eater. I know I’ve eaten with you so I was probably on my best behavior, but a few times I’ve been eating salad by myself and thought “Thank God no one is watching this. I’m a mess!” I need to rekindle my ladylike manners.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Hahaha! I need to rekindle my ladylike manners too.

  6. Andrea@WellnessNotes

    I always have to remind myself to eat slowly. I like the idea of putting the silverware down between each bite. I also often use chopsticks. I’m actually pretty good using them, but they still slow me down.

  7. Jess

    I’m raising my hand for the fast eater catagory. My whole family eats fast, but I eat the fastest. I only realised it when I was eating at my exs place and I was finished before they had started! My tip would be to eat at the table, not in front of the TV. When we’re at the table we talk and it takes longer to eat.

    BTW, yesterday was day one of being back on track thanks to your inspiration. I’m down a pound this morning, probably thanks to avoiding ‘bad’ food and therefore salt. Today when I’m out I WILL walk past the 2 dessert restaurants, and I WILL resist the urge to buy a giant cronut.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m often done eating before Michael is.

      That’s so great that you are back on track! And a pound down already! Awesome!

  8. Marc

    I find if I make a mega salad with radishes, onions, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, and avocado…that it takes about 40 minutes to prepare and another 40 minutes to chew.

  9. Emma

    People tease me about bringing chopsticks to work with me for eating my lunch, but I’m like you – it takes me a loooong time to eat with them, and I usually get enough scooped in by the time my 30 minute lunch time is up. That and small plates have helped me a lot!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s a fantastic idea! I love it!

  10. Beth

    I do the same thing – eating too fast. It is a hard habit to break.

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