We are slowly getting settled. Still unpacking a little, still organizing. We went to IKEA recently and got a bunch of stuff we needed.
Since our new house is a 1920’s Bungalow, part of the house that was original and not remodeled has the old lath and plaster walls. So you can’t really hang art or stuff on the walls. In our old house our TV was mounted on the walls. We can’t do that in this house so we bought a TV stand at IKEA (this one, without the bookcases). It looks really cute with the house.
We also got a dresser for our bedroom! Our new master bedroom is big enough to finally have one. 🙂 We got this one in brown. It looks really nice in the bedroom.
We got a free treadmill, too! A family member was getting rid of theirs and we happily took it. We haven’t set up our home gym yet. That will be in our basement.

The new house is nice. We are getting used to it. Bella loves the new house! The backyard is smaller than our old house, which is nice for us because it will be much more manageable for us. But there is a long section on one side that is perfect for Bella to run and chase her ball. 🙂

There is a bike/running path nearby. I took Logan there to explore and bike over the weekend. He loved it!

In other news, Michael got me a gift certificate recently to Loyly Spa and I finally went. It was really nice and I needed the break to recharge after such a stressful period with house-hunting and moving.

Saturday was women only. You arrive and get a bathrobe, towels, a cup and key for a locker. For women only time you can be naked or wear a swim suit. You can go into the dry sauna or the steam room. There is a cold shower right outside the sauna. Then there’s a lounge area where you can hang out in between. You can do face treatments or foot treatments and buy snacks/tea/kombucha etc.

It felt really nice! It was so relaxing. I would spend about 10-15 minutes in the sauna at a time, go out, take a quick cold shower, get more cold water to drink, sit on the lounge benches for a few and then go back in. After an hour, it was time for my 30 minute massage. Which was amazing!

After the massage I had another hour of the sauna. I did about 35 minutes of it, then showered and got dressed and went home. Super relaxed and mellow. It was bliss!

After a month of taking a break, I am back on the keto diet. Dinner was a delicious chicken cobb salad. It was so good. I could eat that salad every night!
And finally, after three days of being on the market, we accepted an offer on our old house. We are pending right now and hoping to close at the end of July! Keep your fingers crossed for no drama!
All is unfolding well-so happyfor u all-bet Logan and Bella like the stairs❤️
Lisa Eirene
That spa day sounds perfect! Congrats on quickly getting an offer quickly on your house!
Lisa Eirene
Thank you!