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Eaten By Cats

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. Becca

    A million miles from maintaining at the moment, but I have to say… This is why I am a dog person. They don’t eat people! πŸ˜‰

  2. Lisa

    oh golly – I have two cats – they would have had a field day if I was living alone hehe!!!!

  3. Lori (Finding Radiance)

    First off – have you seen this site? http://www.catswhothrowupgrass.com/kill.php

    I have a 91% chance that Pixie is trying to kill me.

    Anyway, regarding the fear. I don’t know as you really want it to completely go away. It’s what keeps you from gaining weight. I will say that over time it goes down to a dull roar as you become more confident in your eating style and when the scale stays the same over time.

    The panicky feeling is what goes away first.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      True…I don’t have that “panicky” feeling anymore. And you’re so right! Having a little bit of fear keeps me in check. I’ll have to remind myself that.

      I am pretty sure my cats watch me when I sleep to see if I’m dead. πŸ˜‰ That website is great!

  4. Carlee

    I have had the same irrational fear about being eaten by my cats!
    I am a new reader but I thought this was a very motivational post.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I knew I wasn’t the only one!

  5. Carbzilla

    My dog would eat me without hesitation. I just hope I don’t collapse with her in the room.

    I totally understand the panic. I did gain back all my weight at one point, and, though it was hard on me in so many ways, it wasn’t the end of the world. It was a manageable amount to have to deal with (again) without putting my health in major jeopardy.

    But I was never as dedicated on my own as you are (I had a trainer and without her I was lost). I’ll agree that maybe a little fear is good but not so much that it consumes you (no pun intended).

    Another thing that may safeguard you more than other “dieters” is that you eat real food. I’ve worked for WW and the women who lost weight eating the least had the hardest time keeping it off. Does that make sense? You lost it wisely and you’ll maintain it wisely.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I didn’t know you worked for WW! I’d love to pick your brain…You are 100% right though. I didn’t do a fad diet or yo-yo I pretty much changed my entire life. I think it’s here to stay too.

      You’ll have to bring your pup down to Portland next time. There’s so many dog-friendly places here. Oaks Park has a great dog park. The Lucky Lab is a restaurant that allows dogs…Maybe if you’re extra nice to the puppy he won’t eat you? πŸ˜‰

  6. Jane

    There is nothing irrational about your thoughts. I have lost over 215 pounds (217 but who’s counting), and I have had over 200 of it off 2 years. While it is not healthy to obsess over each calorie and ounce, there is a healthy balance to maintain in order to maintain. There is a reason more than 90% of people gain the weight back. Part of that is thinking ‘it could never happen to me.” It can happen but it is NOT inevitable and by using all we have learned and reaching out to others who understand the experience we have had, we become better equipped to become long term winners in the fight against obesity. Keep doing all the right things and never forget how much pain we had in the food we set ourselves up to pick up the wrong choices.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I am so impressed by your incredible loss. I’m not sure what to say other than I want to know you story. I’m happy to hear you’ve kept it off.

  7. Sasha

    I’ve wondered how I’m going to handle maintaining my weight when the times comes. I’ve been consistent for a year now, there’s been no falling off the wagon or anything like that and I have learned to use exercise as a way to have fun outdoors and cope with stress. Anyway, a lot of food for thought! Oh and my best friend and I often joke about our cats gnawing on our corpses if we were ever to become little old ladies living alone. We are a little morbid.

  8. Mary (A Merry Life)

    It might be irrational, but it’s understandable. Considering the statistics and all. I hope you figure out how to maintain easily.

  9. MizFit

    sixteen years maintaining and for me it really is just getting up each day and choosing to live a healthy life NO MATTER WHAT TRANSPIRED the day before πŸ™‚

  10. marie

    I used to smoke, and after quitting I’m still afraid of falling victim to temptation and starting back up again. I’ve even had dreams that I smoked a cigarette and then I wake up all relieved that it didn’t actually happen. Maybe it’s some kind of coping mechanism our brain has to make sure we don’t fall into the same habits again. “Lest we forget…” and all that.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I like that a lot…it’s just a coping mechanism…

    2. Becca

      Yes! I have done that so many times!

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