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Kitty Therapy

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Jane

    Similar thing happened to me 18 months ago but with my knee. I thought it was the end of the world and it was for a few days. Then I had to pull myself up and modify my exercise plan and activities to work with my body but despite the odds (and without having the surgery prescribed) I am back where I was in activity level and 30 pounds lighter than that fateful day.
    I know you are a winner. You have proven that already. Things will get better. Hello to the kitty. I love the therapy.


    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks Jane. I know you are right. I’ll get through this like everything else. It takes me a few days to grieve and whine and be depressed. Then I get better.

  2. kalin

    once i was laying on the floor because i had a migraine (wood floors are cold. cold is awesome when my head feels like it’s exploding). my kitty came up and started sniffing around me. i thought “oh! she knows i don’t feel well! she’s here to comfort me! how cute!”

    then she took a swipe at my face.

    my cat clearly can’t sense things like that.

  3. Lori (Finding Radiance)

    I’m sorry you are going through some injury issues. The bright side is that at least you are able to still move and do other things.

    My old kitty was so in tune with my feelings. She always knew when I was having a rough day, which sometimes made me cry more because I felt like she understood.

    Pixie is just such a lover that I don’t think she could do any more than she does without implanting herself in me LOL!

  4. Carlee

    Sorry, you aren’t feeling well.

    I love the kitty pics. I had a kitty that was never all that affectionate unless I felt bad. then she wanted to crawl up my chest and lick my face 🙂

  5. Ellen @ fatgirlwearingthin

    I’ve unfortunately had both of those issues on my left foot, although not at the same time. I really feel for you and know how much it can throw the body off; hopefully you’ll make good progress and can be rid of the thing. Did the doctor give you any exercises for the plantar fasciitis? There are really good stretching exercises that work wonders. Sounds like this guy wasn’t much help to you – the jerk.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      He wasn’t much help at all. I have an appointment next week with a podiatrist. Hopefully he is more helpful!

  6. @irun2befit

    Ha, cute cat! 🙂 Glad she was able to cheer you up a bit.
    My cat couldn’t care less if I existed. My dog on the other hand… It’s amazing, if I’m home, stuck sick in bed, he’ll just lie by my side, which is impressive since he’s still a puppy and has rambuncious habits.
    Hope your weekend is filled with more joy!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      What a sweet puppy! My Fat Kitty is more like a dog than a cat. He will do the same thing. He follows me around like a puppy dog, sleeps next to me, and comes when I call him!

  7. Aj

    I appreciate my kitties so much when I’m down. They each help in their own way. If I’m crying, especially if I’m on the floor crying, our orange tabby, who is usually a bit of an alpha, will come and roll around on my head. Our big guy is always looking for cuddles (and food) so any excuse to cuddle, he’s more than happy to accomodate. And our baby girl is terrifed of being touched, but loves to play fetch. How can you feel down when you have a kitty playing fetch?

    I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. These are the times that put us to the test and show us we’re stronger than we realize.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Your babies sound sweet, AJ. My little girl is scared to be touched too. Maybe I should try fetch…

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