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Thursday Confessions

Thursday Confessions

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin

    Wow Lisa I didn’t know any of these things about you! The thing that surprises me the most is the first one – that you were going to adopt a baby!!

    Confession: I cannot wait to get out of the 9-5 world. can.not.wait.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I was! I sat down and wrote down how much daycare, food, medicine, school, clothes etc would cost and realized I wasn’t ready yet.

      What would you do other than a 9-5 job?

    1. Lisa Eirene

      On weekends I have to make sure I do NOT turn on HGTV in the morning because I’ll lay in bed for HOURS.

  2. SMM

    Today I nearly ate an entire bag of macaroni and cheese potato chips. On the drive back form Target. I am totally depressed about this.


    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m sorry. šŸ™ That can be depressing. Tomorrow is a new day though. A new day to not feel guilty about it.

  3. Valerie Furnas

    Confession: I have not been in love with my boyfriend for the last 4 years. I won’t kick him out of the house because I love his son…not in a strange sicko way…but a Mom way. He has lived with us for the last 6 years and the thought of his future being unstable and it being my fault would kill me.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh no, that’s sad. I’m sorry! I think you’re noble for staying for the kid so he’ll have a stable life. I hope someday he realizes that.

  4. Jenn

    We spent two weeks in Tuscany and it was EVERYTHING I could ever imagine! We rented a small farm house that was nothing short of amazing. The entire house was around $125 per night … and this was booked a week before we left! šŸ™‚ It was exactly as you have pictured.

    Really enjoying your blog! Great confessions. Fat Kitty is adorable and I crack up every time I read that name!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oooooh! Your farm house in Tuscany sounds exactly like what I’m dreaming of. Have you read “Under the Tuscan Sun”? The book is so good (the way she describes the villa and the food makes me long to be there). The movie was just okay. It’s a shame they had to turn it into a “chick flick.”

      Thanks for reading! (And Fat Kitty is just his blog persona. He’s got a real name. lol)

      1. Jenn

        We were only supposed to be there a few days, but we missed our connecting flight (ooops!) and ended up extending. It really was a magical two weeks. There were about 7 houses, super far from each other, around the vineyard, a family owned little spot for breakfast and dinners. I did read that book. šŸ™‚ I think the walk into town was a good 50 minute walk so, although we didn’t go into town much, we got a good workout in when we did!

        OMG, I am cracking up that it’s not his REAL name. šŸ™‚

  5. Amanda

    Wish I could work from home, but I have NO idea what I would do. Maybe if someone paid me to exercise (might motivate me more to move my butt).

    Puppies are the best!!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      If I worked from home I’d be sleeping in, working out and then I’d have to find motivation to actually WORK! lol

  6. Laurie

    That was brave to write all that out. My confession for today….hmm….I’m exhausted and growing a headache. Was going to workout when I got home tonight, but am going to blow it off. How lame is THAT after all your brave confessions?

    1. Lisa Eirene

      No shame in that! Taking care of yourself instead is a good choice!

  7. Ivie Enriquez

    Holy Toledo – I would have never guessed you (from what I know reading your blog) that you would adopt a baby on your own! I know I can’t wait to have babies of my own, but doing it on my own would be so hard…..I would be an option, but probably not until I was 40 and all other options were exhausted. I commend you for starting the process at 25. What are your thoughts now? Are you still looking to adopt? Do you want to have your own? What does your significant other want?

    I also enjoyed this post very much – just sayin’!

    1. Ivie Enriquez

      I forgot………
      I can’t wait to have a baby or buy house, I’m just not sure I can afford either…….My significant other needs to finish his dissertation, we need to get out of debt, and then start saving.

      This Friday will be our 6th anniversary of being together!

      1. Lisa Eirene

        Yep! Sounds similar to our plan!

    2. Lisa Eirene

      I would still like to adopt someday but I’d also like to have at least one of my own.

      Michael and I have talked about the kids and future we want together. I think for men (or some at least) it’s more important to have a genetic link to their kids. I love all kids so it doesn’t matter to me if we share genes.

    3. Lisa Eirene

      And thanks for commenting Ivie! šŸ™‚

  8. Brian

    Ok, since nobody is asking. Did you get the puppy? Is he yours. Very cute. French bulldog?

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It is a French Bulldog! We don’t have one yet but that’s the breed I want to get. He is too cute for words.

  9. saltyseattle

    that’s it! you’re coming over and cooking with me. then we’re going to run the rock n roll half marathon together ,dammit- it’ll be fun! you’re inspiring- great post.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you Linda!! That’s so awesome that you commented. I am in awe of your food art!

  10. blackhuff

    Such a nice post about yourself. Things I did not know about you.

  11. DefineDiana

    I loved this post Lisa! You sound a bit like me.

    My Confession: I always thought I wanted to be a career woman and take on the world. The older I get (and the more my boyfriend and I talk about our future-marriage, kids, etc.), the more I can see myself as a stay at home mom and feel totally fulfilled with it. It’s kinda crazy for me because I was never ever that type of girl growing up. However, after the last couple of years without decent job perspectives and a very stalled career path, I have found that there are more important things in life.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Diana–I feel the same way. My whole life I was this independent, feminist type…VERY feminist in fact. The older I get though the less I think a career/job is important in life. Like really–if the world ended tomorrow would I be happy and satisfied because I had a job? Or because I had a family? Family all the way!

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