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Hating Your Body

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Lori (Finding Radiance)

    You know, I was never really badly injured in my life until 3 months ago when I herniated a disk in my back. And doing nothing but turning my body. It seemed so unfair to be so fit and active and hurt myself doing nothing! But, it just happens sometimes. Doesn’t mean it’s fair, but you just have to go on.

    At least you recognized the negative talk. I see many blogs where people speak about themselves in a way that I don’t think they would talk to another person, and that is sad. You have to recognize the negative first in order to just stop it. Catch a negative thought and immediately reframe it to take any self-blame out of the equation. It just takes practice.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Oh ouch, Lori! Isn’t always the injuries that happen weirdly that are the worst? My mom threw her back out by sneezing one time! I hope you’re feeling back to 100%.

      Negative self-talk can be a trap that’s hard to get out of. I seem to do it when I’m sick or injured. But you are right, catching yourself in the thought and consciously twisting it to something positive works.

  2. Ivie

    Size loss is still a loss. I just went and tried on shorts and capris for summer and was very disappointed……I’ve been slacking and it shows in my motivation and slow down in loss. πŸ™

  3. fightingwithfood

    I had a “hate” week about 3 weeks ago. I was on vacation in Hawaii and had intentions of running daily. On day 3, a knee injury had me barely walking. I was so mad at my body for hindering my vacation and keeping me from doing all that I had wanted to do. It took some kind words from my hubby to realize that my body was simply screaming that it needed a vacation too.
    I really wanted to blame my body for failing, but I had to thank it for waving the “slow down” red flag. It ended up being a blessing in disguise – I came back last week stronger than ever at the gym and even lost 2 lbs. on vacation!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Isn’t that how it always is? The worst possible timing. But yes, perhaps it was your body saying “You need a vacation!” I’m sure that’s my case.

  4. Kellie

    A loss is a loss. The fact that you still loss while indulging shows you are doing something right. Good balance. Also, scales suck. I can change weight in a day. Take it easy on your hip. I ran on an injury and ended up having to take a long hiatus in running. It ended up being a blessing and I lost more weight not running, but it still sucks to get hurt. Congrats on the new measurements!

  5. shelby

    Ok, so I know that I’ve only been following your blog for a couple of months, but I just have to say: there is no reason to get down on yourself. You are a hottie and an amazing athlete and I love that you seem to have a great balance in your life – of course beer and wine and good food are there to enjoy! The fact that you’re losing inches is testament to the power of your lifestyle. You work your butt off on the bike or in your running shoes – and yeah, you do earn that beer!

    The only thing I might suggest, given what I have seen of your training (which may be incomplete, I know!) is adding in a day of speed/tempo/HIIT work each week. Doesn’t need to be anything fancy, buy I always find that I get leaner and stronger when I’m diligent about doing faster stuff.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Thank you so much for the sweet comments! πŸ˜‰ And thanks for the tips. When I’m back to 100% I will try the speed/tempo work.

  6. Kelly

    Honestly, I hate my body most everyday. Which I know logically is ridiculous! I mean it is strong and capabale and allows me perform at high intensity level….yet when I look in the mirror…oh don’t get me started!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      No!! Don’t feel that way! You have awesome arms! You’re a working out machine! πŸ˜‰

  7. Beth

    I struggle with hating my body a lot because I did so much damage to it from being obese for so many years… but I’m working on it.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Beth– I think that’s the reason I go through periods of hating my body too. Too many years of being obese and unhappy. Those feelings and negative thoughts are somewhat ingrained. πŸ™

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