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Time Travel Post #2 – Moving

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Beth

    Moving in with your significant other is definitely a big change but a FUN one! I love waking up next to my boyfriend every day. 🙂

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Agreed!! Except when he hogs the bed, of course. 😉

  2. Robyn

    Thanks for your comment. I know what I snacked on isn’t so bad, but I just can’t seem to break the habit of late night eats, regardless of what it is. I love downsizing by the way. Every once in awhile I get clothes together to donate to good will.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Late night snacking used to be my downfall when I lived alone. I’d watch tv, get bored, and then eat. I broke that habit. I’m too busy when I get home from work now. Or I read or do something.

  3. lisaou11

    I’m moving in with my SO on August 1st. First time living with a man. I’m glad to hear that you have never regretted your decision!

  4. glutenfreemuse

    Moving is super stressful!! That could be helping with your sugar cravings 🙂 Try a hot yoga class and see if the cravings go away a bit!! That is my fix 🙂


    1. hundredtenpounds

      I moved last year, so it’s not causing me stress now. But I had no idea that sugar cravings could be cured with hot yoga!

  5. Lisa (bakebikeblog)

    I know what you mean about moving! When I moved in with Mr BBB, I was so happy (yet a little sad to say good bye to my apartment!)

  6. runningwithsass

    we just purged a ton of our crap last week and I felt so much better! I know what you mean!

  7. Kelly

    Oh how sweet….welcome to the world Norah! 🙂

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