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Excuse: “There’s Nowhere to Work Out”

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Biz

    When there is a will there is a way, isn’t there? My cable also has “exercise on demand” and you can search different workouts on there too. It’s nice to change things up that way!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s cool that you have that option! And yes, if you want something badly enough, it will happen! Think about it…how many of us have gone to the grocery store to get junk food late at night in our PJs because we had a craving we became obsessed with? I know I have! So why can’t the same be for healthy living?

  2. Carrie @ Season It Already!

    So true! I remember the first time doing Jillian Michaels’ 30-day shred and thinking to myself, “Really? I’m getting tired from a minute of jumping jacks?!!!”

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I know! I said the same thing when I did the Nike Training club app at home. Just 30 minutes of jumping jacks, burpees and sit ups and I was sweating!

  3. Andrea@WellnessNotes

    Very good points! Once you don’t give yourself the option not to work out, it really changes how you look at things. I’ve had to adjust when and where I work out quite a few times over the years. When things get really hectic, I always go back to my workout DVDs and weights. I can always make time for a 20 or 30 minute intense workout.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      YES! I long ago made it a part of my routine and quitting is not an option.

  4. K @ Finding a skinnier me

    I recently discovered working out at home and I love it. I went to yard sales, talked to gyms about if they were replacing their equipment and went to sales at stores, I got a kettlebell, free weights, resistance bands, a stability ball and a foam roller. For cardio I usually walk the dogs or take a good bike ride. I have found lots of at home workouts via Pinterest as well. It takes less time than going to the gym and I can be as sweaty as I want without feeling self conscious. I love your ideas as well though, especially the one about joining a group!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Wow! I am so impressed with your creativity. Those are some fantastic ideas on how to build your own gym at home!

  5. Jennifer

    These are great suggestions! I’ve been looking for more ways to get a workout in at home, so I’m downloading that app as we speak! Lately I’ve been making it a point to broadcast what my workout plan is, to help me stick to it, and meeting a friend is always a good one for me as I don’t want to let her down! Thanks for the tips!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Let me know what you think of the workouts once you try them.

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