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Woes of the Traveling Athlete

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Jess

    I still brag about going to the states for 3 weeks and losing weight. My tips
    – walk everywhere, or take public transport. You see more, you meet locals, and you get exercise
    – find a supermarket and buy fresh fruit for your snacks. Saves money, too!
    – order a starter and a side salad. It’s plenty of food
    – try the local food, but not for every meal. I picked what was important to me (In ‘n’ Out burger, OMG) and ate healthy the rest of the time
    – ask for everything in a small. The thing that threw me off is that I was automatically given a large for everything. Even more concerning was that what I thought was a large wasn’t even the biggest size. Yikes. Kids size, small, snack size, are all words to look for.
    – eat a big breakfast, a snack, and dinner. Worked for me, plus there was more time for sight seeing!

    Hope that helps someone!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Fabulous tips Jess! I especially like the appetizer & salad tip. Michael and I often do that on vacation so we can sample things and not fill up on a big entree. (And yes, In-n-Out!!!!!!!!)

      Walking everywhere is a great tip. I like to walk in new places to see things. Also going on runs on vacation means I can see new things too.

  2. Courtney @ Don't Blink. Just Run.

    I don’t get to travel a whole lot, but these are some good tips. I can’t believe they charge you extra to use the gym! What a rip-off!

  3. Lori

    I don’t worry about gym workouts when we vacation. I know we will be getting tons of walking in, since that’s what we do. If we have a hotel with a gym, that’s a bonus, but we don’t look for that because we like to stay in bed and breakfasts now if we can, which usually don’t have gyms LOL!

    We brought our bikes on our long vacation earlier this year, and honestly it was kind of a PITA. We researched some trails ahead of time, but the hassle of packing and unpacking the bikes from the car each day was not really worth the amount of riding time we had.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      We’ve taken our bikes on vacations too. Most of the time it was nice and not a pain. There have definitely been a few times where we took them and it was a BIG pain. One time was in Hood River and we stayed in a hotel that was so tiny we could barely walk side by side in our room. There wasn’t anywhere to store the bikes really so they were in our room and it was just a big mistake taking them!

      Now that we have Bella we plan on going on more vacations where we can take her with us. So snowshoeing and hiking more often.

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