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A Runner and Her Injuries

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. emmaclaire

    I’ve been behind in my blog reading and got caught up on the past couple of weeks today. Thanks for continuing to post your eats periodically – I love the idea of blueberries and cottage cheese for a snack! Thank you also for the above exercise ideas. They are all very commonsense, but, when you get out of the habit of doing them it’s easy to forget how much they help. I’m just now getting back to the point in my running where I’m starting to feel a twinge in the glutes, and I know I need to get bridges and clams back into my routine.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It’s a tasty snack! And pretty low in calories, too.

      Yep! I’m with you. You start to feel better and stop doing the exercises that helped you get better…it’s a good reminder to incorporate them into your workouts (which is what I’m doing). Then the PT doesn’t really feel like work, it’s just another activity I’m doing in the gym.

  2. Biz

    Since I’ve been doing my Classical Stretch 3 times a week, knock on wood, I haven’t had any problems with my knees or feet – it’s on my local PBS station –

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Correy Smith

    Those glute bridges sure sounds familiar to what the physical therapist has been recommending my wife to do. After her previous accident of falling off from a ladder my wife has been on the recovery. Her injury is what got us worried especially for the race that she was going to be participating in a couple of month.

  4. Drew

    Running takes a whole new kind of toll on your body so stretches like these are going to keep you moving longer. Using a mirror is a good tip to keep good form. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Jonathan Pound

    Thanks for your tips on injury prevention and running. I used to run 7 miles every day; until I got IT Band syndrome. I had to go to the physical therapist twice for it. Now I make sure that I include some injury prevention exercises and stretches, just like you do. Thanks again.

  6. Andre Beluchi

    Lisa, looking at the pictures of all the exercises that you got from physical therapy it seems like all of them have you arch your back. By arching your back, does that straighten out the spine or just put a relieve on the spine? I ask this because of my aunt’s situation where she too was injured when she fell off a ladder from her roof.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I don’t think you are supposed to arch your back in those specific exercises. Like the glute bridge, you keep your core stable and straight and raise your body using your glutes.

  7. Veronica Marks

    It’s good to know that sagging while planking can put pressure on the back. I didn’t realize that, and I definitely have been sagging a bit while doing my planks. I don’t want to injure my back because I’ve had previous injuries. I’ll be sure to follow your advice and do planking in front of a mirror until I get it right!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yep! Form is crucial, especially when it comes to things that can strain your back!

  8. Andre Beluchi

    Lisa, so would these exercises that you posted help out with stretching out a damaged hamstring or calf? If so, then it would be something for me to maybe talk to my sister about. Since she would need some type of massage therapy to heal her injured leg.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It’s definitely worth talking to a physical therapist about!

  9. Drew

    Great tips for recovering from running injuries. Staying dedicated to your recovery will get you back on the road much faster. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. Elden Gatley

    I agree that the one-legged glute bridge is hard, but an amazing workout for injuries. It allows the muscles to strengthen in a special way. It’s also easy on the joints.

  11. Selene

    Awesome post, those are certainly some great exercises to try out! Physical therapy can be so helpful and give you information you can use the rest of your life. Thanks for sharing!

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