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Why Wednesday- Why You Don’t Quit for the Holidays

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Carbzilla

    Good for you checking Thanksgiving schedule. I’m trying to get back into spinning or any regular routine. I’m not looking forward to how packed the gym’s gonna be after Jan 1 but at least I can go in off hours. I just have to GO!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I might be changing my workout routine Jan-Feb in order to avoid the crowds!

  2. kalin

    my whole family is doing a turkey trot together this year-i’m excited for it! and it means i’ll for sure get at least one run in over thanksgiving

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Great job! I want to do that next year.

  3. @irun2befit

    hehehehe I love that pic of the kitty fallen off the wagon! Too cute!
    Last year was the first year that I didn’t have holiday weight gain, and it was because I continued my workout routine through the holidays, I WENT TO THE GYM ON THANKSGIVING DAY!!!! 🙂
    Great post, great reminder that just because it’s a holiday doesn’t give us a free pass on workouts!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Sometimes I think a break from exercising over the holidays would be nice…but then I realize I’d much rather eat. 😉

  4. Ashley

    Mmmm, I love the photo of the cupcakes and cookies! Oh …. wait. Heh.

    I’ve found it’s OK to indulge at a party but it’s when the treats are part of every day (like at work) that it really becomes a problem. I have zero problems avoiding the office goodies, but it’s like my mindset changes completely if I’m at a party. (We won’t mention the recent cocktail party where I had 364574 sliders and three mini cupcakes … it’s just so easy to gab and eat. At least I couldn’t balance a drink, too. I’d rather chew my calories.)

  5. Michele @ Healthy Cultivations

    I usually don’t have trouble continuing to exercise. My problem is TOTALLY throwing caution to the wind when it comes to sugary treats! This year, I intend to impose a limit.

  6. Emily

    This is the first Thanksgiving/holiday season where I’m actually in a regular exercise routine. I don’t think that will change much, or will try hard to not let that happen at least! I am doing a 5K the night before Thanksgiving, and am going to eat “normal” on Thanksgiving – not as a reward for the 5K, but because I want to. I need to learn moderation so I can keep this lifestyle forever.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I think that’s a great plan Emily. Good luck on the 5k!

  7. Becky

    My husband and I are going to run a Turkey Trot 10K on Thanksgiving morning. Yay! It will be a good way to remind myself to stay focused on being healthy, and if I do cave then at least I’ve already burned some significant calories!

  8. Sage

    The same rule applies for those people who stress about summer and not shedding the weight. My suggestion to them was to exercise ALL year round and then when summer comes you won’t have to worry about losing weight or lack thereof.

    I was looking at your images at the top and WOW. Congratulations to you.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yes! You make an excellent point. Around May everyone starts panicking wanting a “bikini body” by June! lol

  9. Sara

    Definitely IN! I’m trying to change my holiday habits this year for the better! I’ve mapped out my workouts for Thanksgiving week already and have even gotten my parents to agree to some healthier options at the dinner table. Now I just have to take it one day at a time to execute my plan of attack and see how I do. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Great! I’m glad your parents have agreed to healthy swaps.

  10. Overeating on holidays « Blackhuff's Blogpoint

    […] a comment 110 Pounds and counting have done a post yesterday on Why you don’t quit on holidays. My post refers to […]

  11. Jennifer

    I’m totally in! I think this will be my only way to maintain during the holidays. I think I will be able to resist some of the treats, but I know I’ll give in sometimes. So keeping up with my workouts is key! I’m right there with ya!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Excellent plan! Maintaining is a great goal. It’s my goal!

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