calories diet Fat Kitty food limiting calories Losing weight measurement weight loss

Healthy Weight Cat

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Marc

    Hi Lisa, hope you are doing great! What an amazing country we live in! Half of the world’s human population isn’t getting enough calories each day, and we have diet pet food for our obese pets. I don’t eat diet food. I’m not sure what your definition of diet food is? Are you talking about products like Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers dinners? Because I’m not doing that. I have to stay away from restaurants that serve Alfredo dishes when I’m trying to lose weight. The portions on those huge plates are usually 3-4 servings.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yes, I’ve mused on that before too….so much obesity but starving people elsewhere. Sad.

      As for your question, “diet” food meaning the processed, low calorie stuff. I was eating a lot of Lean Cuisines to lose my weight. Those were my dinners! Times have definitely changed now!

  2. Lori

    Fat kitty is so cute!!
    Our other cat that we had for 18 years was free choice dry food, some daily wet food, snacks (and people food). She was a tiny kitty her whole life. Pixie gets 1/4 can of wet food plus 1/2 cup dry food a day (diet cat food) and no snacks just to maintain her weight now at 11 pounds. The vet said she shouldn’t get any bigger. Poor girl – she has a metabolism like me. Portion measuring and control is a big part of my life, but I am okay with that. Better than being 250 pounds 😀

    1. Lisa Eirene

      He’s the light of my life. 🙂 Such a sweetie!

      It just goes to show you that genetics make a difference in cats too! My other kitty, Maya, is pretty petite. Pixie looks bigger than 11 pounds but that must be all her hair. 🙂

  3. Roz@weightingfor50

    OMG, FK (Fat Kitty) is sooooo cute! (he looks JUST like my tabby Raleigh, who I had for 16 years, and who I still miss all the time) We have the “spirted” Neva now, who is probably about 3, but runs around like a kitten, so she seems to burn off what she eats at the moment. I’m sure when she ‘matures’ we’ll have to watch her, ’cause she sure loves her “noms”. have a great Friday Lisa. (scratches behind the ears to FK)

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I will definitely give him some extra scratches from you. 🙂 I’m glad your kitty runs off her food. It’s funny, Fat Kitty is 8 years old but runs around like a crazy kitten too!

  4. Daphne @ Daphne Alive

    I wouldn’t say I eat a lot of “diet” foods. I think I just have slowly cut back on the junk so that way I get used to smaller and smaller portions a little bit more easily. For instance I used to use 2 tsp of splenda in every cup of coffee, then I cut it back to 1 tsp of Splenda. Now I use 1 tsp but in a very large mug (about 2 cups of coffee in the mug). So that way it’s a more natural progression and not such a shock.

    I very much agree that we should learn about serving sizes and calories in school. But also about the consequences. That way children just don’t memorize the facts for an exam, that way they can apply what they learn. Great post 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Your comment about the coffee is great and makes me think of something I wanted to write about.Thanks!

  5. Cristy

    I also have a cat that will eat uncontrolled. One way to get her to slow down was to spread her food over a large counter or baking sheet so she was forced to eat each piece of food individually instead of in gulps from a bowl. Lately to get her to drink more water, I’ve been putting 1/6 cup of food in a flat shallow bowl and filling it with enough water so the food pieces float. It takes her about 15 minutes to eat her food and she now rarely vomits it from eating too fast or too much. Maybe one of these will work for your furbaby 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      YOU ARE BRILLIANT!!! Oh my gosh, this might just be the answer. I’ll try the tray thing tonight. Thanks!

      1. Cristy

        I hope it works for you! Please let me know if it does 🙂

        1. Lisa Eirene

          IT WORKS! I put the dry cat food on a plate and Fat Kitty stared at me like “wtf is this?!” but it slowed him down so much. He eats a few bites and walks away.

          1. Cristy

            YAY YAY YAY! That makes me so happy! And it’s awesome he is walking away after a few bites, like it changing a habit! So great!!

          2. Lisa Eirene

            I can’t believe something so simple is working. Let’s see if in time he figures out a way around it. 😉

  6. Bonny

    Hello there, You’ve done a fantastic job. I’ll definitely digg it and in my view recommend to my friends. I’m sure they will be benefited from this website.

  7. Phillius Thomas

    I like those three questions! Most of the time I think I would answer at least the first two with a yes. The third one is harder. If only cats could ask themselves these questions. At that point they could diet themselves, at least a little bit.

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