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Personal Training and Versatility

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. The Boyfriend

    You look better than fine. You look great!

  2. Marisa

    I have been following your blog for about three weeks now and I just want to say that you are an inspiration! I am half way to my goal and working on getting stronger. It is nice to see a local gal that it totally kicking butt and looking great. πŸ™‚ Keep up the good work and if you ever want to try a hot yoga class, let me know. I love going to….super nice people and cheap for new students. I fell in love!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks for commenting! I love meeting other Portlanders. Thank you for the yoga info. I would love to try it sometime.

  3. Ivie

    I have had VERY similar meetings, the worst was where the trainer spent 45 minutes of the hour trying to sell me vitamins and supplements. I have since refused the free training session, which is too bad, because if they did it right, I might actually buy some sessions.

    And I agree with “The Boyfriend”, you look GREAT. So great that you will be in a magazine soon!

    You should have told THAT to the PT.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Ah yes….the Supplement pushers. They annoy me too. I usually stop them in their tracks and say “I am NOT buying supplements no matter what.”

  4. Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin

    Your boyfriend is right.. you definitely look better than fine! I know its hard, but seriously get that out of your head…

    That dinner looks awesome. i’ve seen those meatless meat balls before but have never tried them.. glad to hear a good review from a meat eater!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Give them a try! They’re good. And thank you for the encouragement. πŸ™‚

  5. Becky

    That polenta meal looks delicious…I think I might have to get some of that on my next trip. I wish I had a Trader Joe’s nearby! There isn’t even one in my state! So sad!

    As for the trainer…I’m not sure what to do. Do they have a comment box? You could fill that out with helpful suggestions without specifically calling out Misty since she’s still getting her feet wet.

  6. Nicki

    Just a thought… Depends on if you like confrontation, (well no one likes it) anyway.. Maybe talk to Misty directly, start with letting her know that your intention is not to “get her in trouble” though, *side note* it’s not HER fault per se, her management should be in trouble for hiring an under qualified person, or for not being there to guide her through a few sessions… If she is new and her heart is in the right place, she’ll be open to the “constructive criticism” .. Tell her straight up that you were really frustrated with your session.. It sounds like going to management wouldn’t help this, they may be just as ‘flaky’?… Sorry to hear about you challenges.

  7. Jennifer

    I am glad you are NOT letting that trainer bring you down! But I would def go tell the manager. I am a personal trainer and I would like to know if I did something like that. Like you said, she may be new and not really “know” yet.

  8. Irene

    We all learn from our mistakes and the trainer needs to as well.

    I feel it is your responsibility as a gym member and consumer to notify the management of your experience so that she can benefit from some additional coaching.

    I’ll bet she used that dang pincer thing to measure body fat. I HATE THAT THING, but whaddaya gonna do? Fortunately my PT uses it and admits it has limitations so I feel better about the measurements.

    Along the same vein, the management should also know about the great PT you did have (if it’s from the same gym, that is).


  9. Anonymous

    My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

  10. Erin

    I commented yesterday about my experience at 24 Hour, and I think that since it was so similar to your time there (hard sell, very few actual exercises), maybe they train them to do it that way. Maybe a general suggestion that more people would sign up if they actually experienced a great workout with the trainers there would be a good way to give feedback without calling the specific girl out.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I think you ate right. My mom had the same experience at 24hr in Seattle.

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