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It Helps to Know a Guy

It Helps to Know a Guy

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Kristin

    Funny thing about swimming hunger! I’ve never swam “seriously” but when I was young my family spent summers at the beach and my sister and I swam daily…we were always ravenous when we got out!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I wonder why that is compared to other activities?

  2. Lori

    That pizza looks sooooooo yummy!

    I find swimming makes me very hungry, and running longer than 5 miles makes me ravenous.

    Funny, when I do my really long bike rides (40+ miles), my appetite gets totally dampened, which is really weird.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Isn’t that weird? Cycling doesn’t make me as hungry either. When I was training for Reach the Beach I just ate GUs and chomps. Never really got hungry though.

  3. steena

    Lucky you to get a seat in that hopping pizza joint! I hate having to wait, if there’s a wait, I go somewhere else. My hunger doesn’t have time to wait! I’m also a big fan of pineapple & ham on a pizza 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m with you Steena! If there’s a wait longer than 10 minutes or so I’m outta there!

  4. Merinda

    I noticed that when I do a longer run I’m ravenous after (long for me being 20+ minutes). I’ve also noticed that if I skip or skim a workout one morning I’m jittery and restless the rest of the day. I work in a call center and I’ve literally been so restless I’ve taken a phone call while pacing in circles around my chair. I’m just glad they don’t care if your not sitting the whole time.

    Maybe swimming makes you hungry because of the temp of the pool compared to your body? Your body is burning more to keep you warm?

    Just my theory, I’m not a real science person.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      You know I never thought about the temperature of the water playing a part! That’s kind of a good idea. I’ll look into that.

  5. Jennifer (She's a Fit Chick)

    That is so awesome about the pizza place! We have a place like that around us, I wish we knew someone to get that kind of treatment!

  6. Lisa

    I try to menu plan each week. We might not follow it, but at least I have something to work from. Tips would be using the crock pot or having “freezer meals” on busy nights. We have home made pizza on Sundays. And if you run out of ideas, there is a blogger who sponsers Monday Menu Plan and has lots of links –

  7. Lynne

    I cook dinner 5-6 nights a week and a meal plan is a must for me! I don’t necessarily plan ahead exactly what night I’m eating each meal, but I always come home from the grocery store every Sunday with stuff for 2-3 meals, then I have leftovers the other nights. I sometimes don’t even decide what I’m making until I’m in the store and seeing what looks good or is on sale. But I find I make the same meals over and over–I love all the variety you have!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’ve never tried meal planning but I’m going to give it a try this week. Part of the problem is that I get cravings and so that would throw the plan out the window.

  8. Eva

    My partner and I try to plan meals, even roughly, for each week. He and I have designated days on which we’re responsible for dinner, whether that’s take-out or cooking or going out or whatever, though we change things around fairly often.

    We originally started planning meals when we signed up for a CSA box; we’d get the list of contents a few days beforehand, then get the box on Fridays. So over the weekend we’d often eat out or eat leftovers, but try to plan our meals around the week’s produce. Now that it’s winter, we have a subscription to Organics to You, and do the same thing. It helps a LOT to avoid wasting food, and it goes hand-in-hand with getting this kind of enforced produce-diversity. 🙂

    As far as strategy goes, we try to cook new things and each of us is pretty good about requesting favorites from the other — e.g., he makes really amazing chicken stews and rice pilafs, so I ask him for those a lot. We try really hard to use a new recipe at least once a week. Otherwise, we ALWAYS start with vegetables and build our meals around those, adding protein and carbohydrates. It makes for a much healthier, seasonal, and veg-driven diet and I think we both feel so much healthier now than we did a few years ago, even though we both still struggle with being overweight.

    Also, we try really hard to make things that will generate leftovers at least a few times a week. Leftovers get rolled directly into lunches the next day or later on, so it again cuts down on food waste AND calories from eating out.

    I very much recommend meal planning, but it really doesn’t work for everyone. I think the key is being flexible but having the foundation of a plan. It gives you something to look forward to, something to fall back on, and if you spontaneously decide to go out or get a dinner invitation, no worries!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I think Michael and I do a good job of sharing the cooking of dinners. I tend to be more into it when it’s not a night I’m working out at the gym. I hate having to figure out what to eat after spending an hour + in a gym. I usually cook on weekends when I have more time, too.

      Most of the leftovers tend to be my lunches at work. It’s a lot easier for me.

  9. Sheri

    You are so lucky! Apizza Scholl’s is by far my favorite restaurant in town, and I am always waiting for a table when we go there. I do find it very hard to stop myself from devouring the entire pizza, though! 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Another fan! Sweet! Have you tried Mississippi Pizza? They are my favorite.

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