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Health on a Small Budget

Health on a Small Budget

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. Roz@weightingfor50

    Hi Lisa, great tips!!! I’m definitely a thrift shopper for clothes right now, as I’m not at goal weight, and I WISH I’d been fitted for proper shoes long ago….that may have prevented the injury that I’m having to have surgically corrected at the end of the month. Hindsight is 20/20! Have a great Tuesday.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that you have to have surgery. I hope you heal quickly. I’m really glad you’re shopping cheaply for clothes. I wish I had done that!

  2. Lori

    I am the queen of consignment! And to be honest, I still shop a lot at consignment stores. They are just so much more affordable than retail.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s great! You saved so much money, I’m sure. Consignment is the way to go.

  3. Jess

    In answer to number 2. Apparently I am a vegetarian because I like tofu, and include it in my lunch/dinner rotations. And, apparently that is a bad thing, according to my co-workers. The fact that I have tofu one day and then leftover steak on rice the next day doesn’t seem to make a difference.

    And number 3. I’m with you on hiking! I went on Monday with my boyfriend (school holidays, both teachers!). We had heaps of fun and got to explore a part of our area that we wouldn’t have normally seen, because none of where we were is accessable by road. If you need a strength workout then push ups, squats and lunges are free!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      2 – Don’t quote me, because this is second-hand knowledge, but I was told that tofu and soy products are bad too. I heard that they were particularly bad for men because they increase the estrogen levels in them? I have no opinions either way on tofu because it’s not something I eat very often.

      3- Hiking is the best! What part of the world are you from? I love hiking because it’s always different. And you’d be surprised at how good a workout it is. Glad you guys had a day off and were able to enjoy it. 🙂

      1. Jess

        I have heard that it is fine. There was a huge worry about it, but from memory the newer research has shown it is fine. Since it is only once or twice a month, I’m not worried. I’d be more worried about my daily soy latte, since I am lactose intolerant.

        I am from Auckland, New Zealand. I am lucky that I live a 30 minute drive from the Waitakere Ranges, which have tonnes of hiking and tramping trails that are well marked and maintained.

        1. Lisa Eirene

          That’s good to know.

          I bet the hiking in New Zealand is gorgeous! What a lovely place to live.

  4. Kristin

    I have to admit that I too spent WAY too much money on clothes in different sizes. I had quite a relationship going with Macy’s on returns and exchanges, but still, ended up with piles of clothes that I eventually donated or gave away. (I also have to admit that my problem with buying too many clothes did not end when my weight stabilized about 6 years ago…. And I am also a sucker for running clothes and shoes.) ear lunch out, and rarely dinner, so that saves money.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      And I’m kicking myself for not returning the clothes that still had tags on them! Good for you for returning stuff to Macy’s. At least that saved a little bit.

      I go through phases too where I buy too many clothes. 🙂

  5. Kristin

    The end of my last comment got messed up…I was just saying that I rarely eat out, so that saves money on food.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Eating out a lot adds up–money and calories. I wish I had more restraint in that department. Good for you!

  6. Lesley

    I spend a crap-load of money on my running shoes and “accessories” (Not counting the money on my running group and travel to races). But, I consider my running my health/social/spiritual/recreation activity. I stopped feeling F-ing GUILTY about the time and money I spend on running this past year when two people from my high school graduating class (40-41 yr olds) dropped dead from heart attacks. Meaning that kids don’t have their mom and dad left. And, my Dad had triple bypass a few years ago after forty years of body abuse and neglect. I’m sure that his medical costs (that insurance paid for) were a couple hundred thousand. So, yea…I might spend a lot of money on my running shoes, garmin, YMCA membership, running group fees, race fees, etc…but, I still think I’m SAVING money in the long run.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I agree with you Lesley, I think that it’s worth spending money on our health. That means good exercise accessories or equipment, gym memberships, health care, etc. I’m sorry to hear about your friends and family that passed away. It’s too bad those are often the wakeup calls we need.

      I happily spend a lot of money on good running shoes to prevent injury. That’s important to me. And I agree! Running is my spiritual/health activity too.

  7. Jill

    Goodwill is my friend! Now that I have settled into a size- I still go to Goodwill. It is so hard to go back to paying crazy prices for clothes now. Target seems pricey to me now!!! Thanks for the great tips here!!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m so glad you’ve settled into a size. Isn’t that a good feeling?

      I like Kohl’s for affordable new clothes, and Target is hit or miss for me. They have weird sizing there.

  8. Jodi @ Jodi, Fat or Not

    I just wrote about Question 2 on my blog today! That’s my biggest pet peeve – that someone thinks I’m on a diet because I’m having a salad for lunch, or avoiding sugar. Can’t I just enjoy eating this way because it makes me feel good?? Moving on….haha

    1. Eggs! And meal planning. If I know what I’m going to make and have a detailed grocery list, I spend WAY WAY less money.

    3. The Park or a nature reservation for hiking

    4. Good shoes and socks are DEFINITELY worth the money – I also recently put out some money for compression sleeves that have saved me! I have to keep a pretty tight budget – but I wish I could spend more money on clothes!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Isn’t that crazy that people think someone is on a diet because they eat healthy? It’s such a foreign thing to me now, it’s just my normal food!

      Yes, eggs are a great healthy food and affordable.

      Shoes are #1 on my list. I will spend whatever it takes for good shoes that will save my knees.

      Thanks for the comment! 🙂

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