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Binge Eating Demons

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Carbzilla

    I feel like I should print out this post and put it up on my bulletin board – not necessarily for now but for THEN. When I feel like that. Cuz, darlin, do I hear ya.

    This one is especially familiar: “I should just eat them all so they are out of the house!”

    There’s some logic for you.

    Chris actually brought home Pepperidge Farm cookies the other night. I have no idea why. Fortunately, they’re a kind I’m not particularly interested in (in fact, I had forgotten about them until right now).

    At this moment, I just refuse to let a cookie have power over me. It’s a baked good, for criminy’s sake!

    Big hugs!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It’s funny how logical the situation is until you’re in it! I love Pepperidge Farms cookies. The mint ones were my downfall.

  2. Irene

    I’ll divulge something that’s offensive to many people in this annonymous forum:

    I waste perfectly good food.

    Most of the time I will take one piece (of whatever goodie) and let the rest of it sit out until someone else eats it.

    However, if no one eats it, and I find myself going back for more, I will take an entire batch of cookies/ENTIRE CAKE (minus the slice i ate) and throw it in the garbage. Gone. No one eats it.

    And I have to do it in secret because people will actually GASP! at the sight of me chucking so much good food in the trash. But honestly those same people weren’t going to eat it anyway.

    If you give me a plate of cookies for Christmas, or share your Grandma’s fudge, etc. this is what happens to it. I’m sorry.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m actually writing a post about that. It’s an interesting topic.

  3. Sugar Magnolia

    Oh, wow! I LOVE this! I can totally relate…I think many of us can. I tend to binge eat when I’m bored, which, as a stay-at-home-mom, happens a lot. We have cookies, etc in the house all the time because my kids like them (and frankly my daughter need high-calorie food) but I tend to snack on them too. I hate that a stupid cookie or a container of pudding or whatever has control over me.

  4. Tori @

    Great post! I think we need to talk about this more! I think with EDs the tendency is to say that if someone doesn’t fit into the “clinical definition” of an ED then they are not suffering! Anyone w/ ED symptoms is SUFFERING and doing damage to their body! Luckily we are very resilient!

    I wear this self-discipline bracelet (the link is at the bottom of this lost)

    And, I try to remember how I feel when I lay my head down at night…when I’ve let my addiction take hold of me then I hate myself, but when I stay strong I love myself. I want to be free from that guilt and hatred so I do better. I also choose healthier options (I’ve blogged many of these recipes) b/c they fill me up more and I don’t feel so crappy and I don’t eat as much.

    GREAT post! Great job shedding some light on this subject!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I think it’s an important topic and one that was getting lost in all of the “How dare Marie Claire magazine” drama. Thanks for sharing your link!

  5. Rita @ The Giggly Bits

    I’m so proud of you for recognizing! Stopping and blogging about it.

    Scary isn’t it? I hate when things are humming along then some crazy disordered ED thought comes on in and you weren’t expecting it. Just keeping us on our toes.

    Had a couple rough days over in this area of the world too. Big hug, hope everything will be ok and that you’re taking care of you.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks Rita. I think I survived this latest surprise visit pretty well. It was weird to go so long without the thoughts, to then have them pop back up.

  6. ShrinkingGirl (Rhonda)

    One of the things I used to say was “I’m going to eat them all eventually anyway.. what does it matter if I eat them today or tomorrow.”
    These days, when I get to that point… I take drastic measures because I recognize what I’m doing.
    It’s scary how far you can come only to have these things rear their ugly head again. It can really shake ya.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I definitely wasn’t expecting it!

  7. marie

    Okay so I’ve never been a binge eater but I do have my demons. I used to be a smoker, and all those things you talked about – triggers, negative emotions, keeping busy – ring a bell with me too. Although it’s been long enough that I feel confident I will never smoke again, sometimes when I’m stressed or stuck in traffic or just bored, I think about how fun it would be to have a cigarette! But it’s all about recognizing it and finding a healthy replacement for those habits, which you seem to do rather well. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Awe yes! You brought up a good point I neglected to mention: FUN. Eating good food is FUN. That makes it extra hard.

  8. Jill Wolfe

    I try and not keep a lot of snacks in my house. They are just too tempting for me. I know my limitations and even after losing weight I still have the the tendency to eat something just because its there. I am not sure that will ever go away.

  9. Rebecca

    Hey there,

    Great blog! I’m a producer for a hit TLC show and we’re currently looking for ADULTS who BINGE EAT for the show! If any readers/commenters are interested, write back at or give me a call at 323.904.4680 x1147.

    Hope to hear from you soon,


  10. Let’s Talk Willpower and Motivation » 110 Pounds and Counting

    […] have my slip ups.  Once in awhile the old “demons” return in terms of not being able to resist temptations. I guess the biggest lesson […]

  11. Food is Not The Answer » 110 Pounds and Counting

    […] candy. Bad breakup? Gorge myself on entire pizzas. Stress? Eat dessert. I’ve written about my binge eating demons […]

  12. Amy Eastlack

    I know this is an old post but I came across it while writing my own post on emotional eating (which often turns in to binge eating for me) and I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading it – and the rest of your blog. You’re drive is really inspiring – I look forward to keeping up with your continued progress!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Hi Amy, thanks for leaving a comment. I appreciate your kudos. My hope is that my blog can inspire people!


    We may have been told we can have dessert if we are good
    or if we eat everything on our plate. Most people can
    think of a more positive and realistic perspective, once negative thinking patterns are recognized.
    Sometimes the process of becoming bulimic is a slow one in which a person
    eats too much in one session, feels uncomfortably full, and purges in order
    to feel better.

  14. Brynn

    I can totally relate to this. I just recently started baking more because I work from home more often. While baking can be such a soothing activity it’s so hard to not indulge while I do it. I am always trying to establish a balance between healthy boundaries and genuine flexibility with food. It’s a dance for sure! Great post and great ideas to stop binge eating.

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