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Tell Me What You Don’t Like About Yourself

Tell Me What You Don’t Like About Yourself

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. Cindy

    I had a breast reduction a little over a year ago and at the end of the month I;m having a revision {there are little bits that stick out on the sides they are fixing.} I never thought I was a person who would have plastic surgery, but it was supposed to help my back and then I could work out easier and all great things would happen.

    I ended up not working out for a long time after – I moved to Scotland for grad school, and just stopped caring {depression + my mum’s death} and gained a lot of weight on top of being already overweight.

    So plastic surgery didn’t change my life. I was losing weight before the surgery and was looking ok, and now I look horrible, and I’m in a place where I can’t actively do much about it due to my life situation, so I’m hoping my circumstances will change so I can take better care of myself.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m sorry to hear about your loss and your struggle. I can relate to grief and weight gain. I thought about getting a breast reduction because my back hurt. But then I lost the weight and my boobs shrank.

  2. Kalin

    When I was in high school I totally wanted a boob job. I can wear bras from the children’s department. In a sports bra you’d think puberty never hit.
    But I got an awesome butt as a trade off, and realized so long as I had one good asset (and trust me, I had a friend who literally called it an *asssssss*-et) maybe I didn’t so much need recreational surgery.
    Plus unless you can actually see nipples nothing looks that trashy when you’re an A cup. So that part is rad.

    I dated a guy who got some plastic done. He was a hipster who was always worried about what people thought about him-he wasn’t doing it for himself, but for the person he thought he had to be. I wasn’t a fan of that. (And he did it when he was trying to get me to date him again. Hm, you’re getting plastic cause you want girls to like your body and date you. So now you have no money to take me on a date. How you going to date then?)

    I think plastic is fine. But it won’t cure everything (see: ex who thought it would get him a girlfriend)

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I get what you mean. I never wanted to get plastic surgery to get a date or something. I just hate the loose skin and flab.

      I can’t say I can relate to wanting a boob job because I was always way too big in that department!!!!!

      1. kalin

        yup, that’s one thing i realized as i got older. a good bra can make my boobs look at least a little bigger, but it’s a whole lot harder to make your chest smaller!

        1. Lisa Eirene

          It’s funny that I considered surgery for smaller boobs but never consider WEIGHT LOSS. LOL

  3. Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun

    First off, that question is kind of brutal. I’ve seen plastic surgery shows like that and it’s always such a standard question. Never even really paid attention to that until seeing it as the title of your post. Interesting.

    And I’m not opposed to plastic surgery for reasons like what you’re discussing. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with tummy tucks or breast lifts or nose jobs or other cosmetic procedures…if it’s done for YOU like what your husband mentioned. but I also think it is important to be confident in yourself despite the one area you may want touched up with surgery. Otherwise I think it could be a slippery slope for some people.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yeah it is a bit negative but that’s how the show started each episode. Seeing plastic surgery on TV turned me off to plastic surgery. But sometimes I think about it.

  4. Roz@weightingfor50

    Hi Lisa. Great, thought provoking post. I had breast reduction many years ago, not out of vanity, but out of discomfort. It was a very smart thing….I am much more comfortable and proportionate now.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s good. Glad it helped you a lot!

  5. SlimKatie @ Runs for Cookies

    I am actually getting a lower body lift next month, due to a large weight loss. While I was never on a “tabloid show”, my saggy skin is bad enough that it’s a medical necessity to remove it. I believe that saggy skin is caused from a large number of things, rather than just the amount of time it takes to lose the weight–for example, how long one has been overweight; how large the person was to start with; genetics; where the person carries the weight; whether the person has had children; etc. I, too, lost weight in my mid-20’s through healthy diet and exercise, but my loose skin is very prominent. I don’t feel shameful about the decision to have plastic surgery at all.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’d be interested to hear about your experience after the lower body lift, if you care to share. I have a friend who considered doing that. I think saggy skin after weight loss is very different than “cosmetic surgery” like a nose job, etc.

  6. Going Steady

    I have two very close friends who each got boob jobs. One was honest about it; the other one tried to keep it a secret. I really don’t know why either one of them had work done. They’re both lovely women, inside and out. It seemed like a waste of money (and a pretty scary operation) to me. Neither one seems to have experienced any improvements in life that are attributable to their bigger boobs. To each their own, I guess.

    I haven’t had work done. I probably would for medical reasons or as reconstructive surgery, but I can’t really picture myself doing it for appearance reasons.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Appearance reasons wouldn’t be the reason behind it if I did consider it. Loose skin is different. That never really goes away with exercise and healthy eating. πŸ™ Unfortunately.

  7. Leah @ L4L

    I’ve never had cosmetic surgery and I doubt I ever will even though I wanted a nose job when I was younger. I have come to love my nose because it reminds me of my dad. I feel like getting cosmetic surgery is sort of a cop out. We should be embracing our imperfections not changing them to fit a mold that society deems appropriate.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I think as we grow older we do grow to appreciate our “imperfections”. But loose skin as a result of massive weight loss is a whole lot different than a nose job I think. I wouldn’t be doing it to mold with what society deems appropriate, I would be doing it to feel better about myself and because losing over 100 pounds can only do so much. The loose skin unfortunately won’t go away with ab work and a restrictive diet…

  8. Eleah

    My mom had plastic surgery to remove lose skin after she lost about 150+ pounds. Unfortunately she gained a lot back and has scars… but when she did do it her, her self esteem was REALLY boosted it! At one point during her weight loss she went into a shop in southern LA were the clerk asked her “How far along” she was. That killed her b/c she was feeling so good about herself!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s too bad that she gained it back. What kind of scars did she have from the surgery?

  9. Jen

    I had a tummy tuck about 2 years ago and I wouldn’t say it was the best decision for me. I’ve had 5 kids and am a small framed woman even at 5’6. I can weigh 140 and wear an AE size 4 with some bagginess in the fit. I had only a few stretch marks on my belly and the typical slightly puckering skin from baby belly. Even my plastic surgeon commented on my great genes because I was relatively unscathed despite the 5 pregnancies.
    The surgery was pretty painful and I think if I hadn’t had two previous c-sections which left alot of numbness in my lower abdomen, the pain would have been much worse. I had several complications including a hematoma which required to me to have my stomach aspirated with a HUGE needle for the next 3 months.
    The end result is that I think my belly button is funky, the scar is HUGE and I have some adhesion in the scar which causes the scar to not lay flat. Let’s just suffice it to say I didn’t run out and slap on a bikini.
    Sorry to ramble but in my case I really think I wouldn’t do it again if given the choice. Also you mentioned wanting children. I definitely wouldn’t do any sort of tummy tuck before kids! πŸ™‚

    1. Lisa Eirene

      No it’s not rambling. I appreciate the feedback from someone who has been through it. I have also heard that it’s very painful. I don’t know what level of pain to expect…how intense, how long it lasts, etc. I’ve had 2 surgeries in my life and one was absolutely the worst, excruciating pain ever that last almost a year. And yes, all this “supposed” plastic surgery (ie loose skin on stomach) would be AFTER kids! πŸ™‚

  10. Samantha

    I have seriously considered breast reduction surgery. I wear a 38 DDD and have had a large chest since grade 5. But I’m scared. And also my friend had the procedure and now can’t breast feed her 2 girls. So I think I will wait till after kids.

    I say go for it Lisa if that’s what you want. But take your time. See as many Doctors as you can and the answer will come.


    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’ve heard that too, Samantha. A friend had breast reduction surgery and couldn’t breast feed her kids. That’s also a factor for me.

  11. cindylu

    Never had plastic surgery or considered it. Honestly, I’m too young and know there are far less expensive and painful ways to deal with the post-weight loss issues. I saw a family member gate a face lift. The recovery took a while and it was horrifying to see her afterward. I know you really enjoy being active so taking some weeks off to recover could be frustrating.

    On another topic, I was turned off by the use of “tranny” above. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but groups like GLAAD are against it as it’s transphobic and problematic. Just a heads up…

  12. Lesley

    I had a breast reduction when I was nineteen. I wasn’t terribly big (DD), but I am way short and I just felt like I was head, boobs and feet. I have absolutely never regretted it. Of course, my boob size STILL fluctuates depending on my weight and fitness levels, but I’m so much more comfortable. No more upper back/neck pain. No more crazy bra rubbing into my shoulders.

    Luckily, I had a fabulous doctor (and I was young), so my recovery was super easy. And, I surprisingly breastfed my son for 16 months. I didn’t have any expectations of breastfeeding, but my doctor was able to leave most of my “ductwork” alone. Which was a nice thing.

    I mostly fear elective plastic surgery because of the risks (and not being covered by insurance) if something goes wrong. But, my mom just had a little neck work done (pretty subtle) and she is so unbelievably happy. At 60, she had all of a sudden gotten really saggy and droopy in her jowls (her opinion). Gotta say she looks fabulous and I love how she actually carries herself now. I can tell she feels so much better about herself. So, in her case, I’m really glad she did it.

    Check back with me in 5 years…maybe a little “lift” in my boobs and lipo on my legs? hee hee Probably not, but I don’t rule it out if I have disposable income. :>

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks for sharing your experience, and your mom’s experience. It sounds like you had a pretty positive experience with the reduction. I am no where near ready to think seriously about plastic surgery for the loose skin. I love hearing what other people have gone through in this department though. It’s given me a lot to think about!

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